Chapter 51: Locked

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Ezra's Pov:

I got a text from A again. I was with Caleb today to find out what's going on.

The text read.

"There is no way you can get her this time...

Like I said she has good taste..."

And then there was a photo of them kissing. If you looked closely you can see Aria pushing him away. You couldn't see his face either.

"So you know what this means right?" Caleb asked.

"No!" I yelled. "Sorry i'm just worried." I said.

"Well 'A' has your wife and son but luckily we know where they are!" He said.

"How!" I asked running to his computer.

"Well the text gave it away but my computer tracker has tracked the past phone calls and texts.

She was at the Hampton hotel and now at the dollhouse." He said with a sigh.

"Oh my god she's back in there!" I screamed throwing my phone yet again.

"Ezra the only problem is 'A' doesn't have to worry about 4 girls anymore, it's one. Plus he has made this place locked up like never before after they escaped that last time." He sighed. I shook my head and paced back and fourth.

"So lets go back to that farm." I said.

"It's not that easy Ezra. There is no way that we can get her at the barn." He replied.

"Well then where do we get her?" I asked.

"Follow me." Caleb said packing his bag with his computer.

Caleb drove us to the police station.

"Hi may we speak with Tanner?" He asked as I just followed.

"So what may be the problem?" Tanner asked collecting papers and sitting down at her desk.

"My wife and child are kidnapped by the same person that kidnapped her and the other 3 girls!" I yelled.

"Okay so do you know where they are?" She asked.

"Yes, the same place but its going to be impossible to get them from where they are." Caleb replied.

"Okay, I have a plan." Tanner replied getting up.

~ 2 weeks later ~

Aria's Pov:

Once I got here I got put into a room with Joseph but now I haven't seen my baby in weeks. I'm so worried right now. What if he killed him. I just bursted into tears. I climbed into the corner into a ball and cried. I tried screaming at the cameras but nothing worked it just made things worse. I only got feed every other day so I could see my ribs by now. I'm starting to think that if I just lost my life today everything would be easier. I just want to see my child and my husband. A note slipped underneath my door.

"Maybe if you just trusted your love one,

you wouldn't be in this mess,

I also have your little one,

But he might go to rest."

I screamed and threw the paper across the floor.

"I'll do anything you want me to, just please don't kill him or hurt him!" I shouted at the camera.

My door opened and I walked out.

Ezra's Pov:

We found the barn and the only thought that the police thought of was to set it on fire. That would kill all locked machines that A has on them. The only problem is they have a chance at burning to death. I hope she has Joseph so she can run away when we set it on fire. They looked at me to give me the okay. I nodded and prayed that this will work. I had tears in my eyes and I felt a strong hand pat my back I turned around and saw Toby.

"Hey man we will get her out of there, I promise." He said.

"Thanks, for trying your best." I replied.

"Hey I know how you feel." He said and walked away.

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