Chapter 26: Without him

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~ 4 weeks later ~

Aria's Pov:

I've been talking to Ezra and he said he won't be back for another 2 weeks! I'm so upset.

A- Why?
E- because my boss wants to see other places, he said I could leave
A- Then why don't you?
E- I won't get the raise if I leave
A- oh
E- ok I'll see you 2 weeks.
A- 😖
E- Sorry

It was almost 11 pm and I heard a knock on Ezra's door. I've been staying here. I looked through the peek hole to see black suitcases. What the heck! I thought but I opened the door. It was Ezra.

"Ezra!" I yelled jumping and wrapping my legs around his torso.

"What are you doing here!" I asked.

"I lied and I'm here." He said.

"I love you!" I said pecking his lips 9 times.

He pulled his suitcases in with me still around him and shut the door. He leaned me against the wall kissing me.

"I missed you." He whispered.

He picked me up and put me on the bed.

I started to unbutton his shirt. "I love you." He whispered.

"Why don't you show me how much you love me." I said biting his lip. He threw up my shirt and threw it across the room. He kissed my neck and down. I wasn't wearing a bra because I laid down all day watching movies. I reached for his buckle.

~ Next morning ~

Ezra's Pov:

I heard a knocking on the door so I got pj bottoms on and answered it.

"Hannah? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I didn't think you were here so I came to comfort Aria." She said walking in.

"Uh Hannah." I said remembering that Aria is naked underneath the covers.

"I should go." She said.

"Okay." I said but then she interrupted.

"Don't try to get her pregnant again." she said laughing.

"Nice Hannah." I replied knowing she saw Aria.

"Baby?" I heard Aria say.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can you stay in bed with me once, you always get up before I do." She smirked. I climbed in bed with her with my cold hands around her body. She unbuttoned the button on my pjs.

"Aria, no" I exclaimed.

"I'm not trying to do that, don't worry. I wanted to be in bed with you all day." she explained.

"I know but I'll put on my boxers." I said while giving Aria her underwear.

Aria's Pov:

I put my bra back on too when I felt Ezra's cold hands. He unbuckled my bra and threw it in the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I said the bottoms not the top." he laughed.

"But you don't have a top to cover!" I yelled but let it be.

A couple hours later I got up covering my top.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm gonna go out today with Em." I replied.

"Oh ok, we'll be careful." He said getting up kissing me.

"Alright bye babe." I said exiting.

Emily decided to take me to the mall and out to eat.

When I got home Ezra was dressed. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Um we're going to your parents!" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Um well Aria you're showing and they need to know." He explained. We got in the car and drove over. To skip everything, they acted normal about it. My parents said that they would help out. I'm surprised they accepted. I'm excited for the baby.


Sorry this is boring I'm trying to skip to a part I thought of creating!!

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