Chapter 39: A parent's mistake

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I got home and cried. I completely forgot I had a son until at 2 in the morning he started to wail. I got up and changed his diaper and nursed him. The next morning I guess I slept in because it was already 10 o'clock.

"Hey mom thanks for taking care of Joseph." I said walking down stairs.

"Hey honey, Ezra took him for today." She replied. Oh my god I forgot to tell my mom what happened with the whole wedding ring thing yesterday. Crap.

"Mom he can't be over there!" I yelled.

"Why not? Other than you too fighting but he still needs to see his fa-" I cut her off and explained what happened last night.

"Oh well do you want me to get him?" She asked.

"Um no I'll do it." I replied. I hoped in my car and drove over. I still had a key from when I moved in. I walked in to seeing to most precious thing I've seen in a while. Ezra was on our bed holding Joseph, they were both asleep. Joseph had his head buried in his chest, like I used to do. I stood there for a while letting tears escape my eyes. Then Ezra woke up. He got up and surrounded Joseph with pillows so he could talk to me without him falling off the bed.

"Hey listen I'm sorry I took him, I just needed to see him." Ezra sighed. I looked down and wiped the tears off my face.

"No it's alright I understand." I whispered.

"Um about the other night." Ezra started to continue.

"I don't want to talk about it." I sighed.

"No it's not that it's I packed all of his clothes and yours, um here." He said handing me 2 suitcases.

"Oh! Um thanks." I whispered.

"Well not all because I need some but um I can wake him up if you'd like." He replied.

"No I'll do it just give me a sec." I answered. I walked over and crawled into Ezra's, which used to be our bed. I remember it being so comfy. The sheets smell the same.

"Hey baby." I whispered rubbing Joseph's back. I kissed his ear and his neck.

"Baby you want to go home?" I asked. Ezra came and kneeled next to the bed and started to play with his hands.

"Hey." Ezra whispered. Joseph automatically woke up. I then realized everything that was a mess in Ezra's apartment!

"Hey what happened in here" I said looking around. Ezra picked up Joseph and carried him to the changing table.

"Um well you got a lot of baby arrival gifts sent here and today I opened them with him and he loved it!" He explained.

"Oh, well it looks like a toy bomb went off in here." I replied. There were ABC magnets on the fridge, play pin with stuffed animals in it, blocks everywhere and trains scattered around.

"Oh! And I bought another car seat, we kept having to trade with it." Ezra added.

"Oh! That's good, you got a 5 point harness right?" I asked sounding worried.

"Yes Aria." He replied laughing.

"Okay just checking," I said throwing my hands up in defense. "I'm going to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I replied.

"Okay." He replied.

I walked in the bathroom and saw a black box. I opened it and saw my wedding ring all cleaned up and fixed. I remember last night when I threw it at him it cracked so I guess he fixed it.

I walked out and Ezra was standing there with Joseph in his arms. I picked him up and started to walk out.

"Wait! Aria." He said turning me around.

"Are we going to figure this out or is this over as we know it?" I asked.

"Ezra." I sighed. "I can't think about it, last night you said you wanted a divorce and I-I" I stuttered.

"I know that was wrong listen I want t-" I stopped him.

"Ezra, just stop." I sighed and walked out. Ezra buckled Joseph in and kissed him goodbye.

"Ezra." I said.

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"Um if I ever said you were a bad father, I didn't mean it. And when I saw you today with him I just cried. All I want is what's best for him. And what's best for him is to have two parents that love him and each other." I replied. He nodded, kissed my forehead and left.

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