Chapter 01

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'Tring tring tring..' I groan and slap my stupid alarm off, cant blame me though these thing is annoying. I finally drag my lazy butt inside the bathroom and quickly cleaned myself. I was doing my hair when it finally clicked.. OH NO SCHOOL. I hate hate school. Not beause of my grades because they're good, its the loneliness i feel inside me when i'm at that place. I dont have friends. And yes it sucks being alone the whole freakin day. I had a friend when i was five, we met at the park down the road. Apparently he was running away from his parents and i was with my mother playing around there. Unfortunately he moved to Italy without even saying goodbye, i was seven that time and i haven't seen him since. I remember this other time i went to the park hoping that i will see him but i didnt then i met his mom, thats when she told me that my friend moved away and she gave me the necklace. She made me promise that i will alway wear it, every single time. I miss him so much. I quickly wipe the tear that roll down my cheek.

"Leilani, you gonna be late for school" mom called from downstairs. The woman is an earlybird. Afterall, earlybirds catches the worm first.
"Coming mom" I hollered, looking at my reflection for one last time before going down.

"Goodmorning" I greet her smiling.
She smiled back placing a plate filled with pancakes infront of me and i said a small thank you then i stuffed my face with pancakes.
"Morning sweetie. Slept well?" she replied sitting down eating her food.
"Very well" i grinned. "Where's Zander?" I ask her looking around for my brother. He's only four years older than me, he can be annoying sometimes but i love him as much as i love mom.
"I'm here" he says descending the stairs " Goodmorning lovely people" he greets grinning ear-to-ear. Someone is in a good mood, mmh enteresting.
"Morning Zan" mom smile at him
"Mor-" i was cut off by him ruffling my neatly tied bunny. "Duuude! Mom i'm gonna kill this child of yours" i screamed fixing my hair. Mom burst out of laughter.
"Watch it kiddo, i'm your big bro. Its not even ruined no need to scream bloody murder" he chuckles but quickly cover it when i throw him a glare.

After a while he and i were done eating and it was our cue to leave. He's driving me to school.
"Bye mom. Love you" i kissed her cheek.
"Love you to sweetie" she replied handing me my lunchbox bag. I smiled, what would i do without her. No without her and my brother.
"Ready?" Zan says picking up his car keys. I nodded. We rushed out, he unlocked his car and we got in. Zan started the car and we pull off the house.
After 10 minutes he parked near the school gates, he turned to me and frowned.
"Why ain't you happy?" he ask sensing my change of mood.
"Because school is fun, yayy!" I lowly chuckle at my sarcastic comment and open the door to go out. I hear him say the heck bursting out of laughter.
I rolled my eyes before saying "Bye big bro" i closed the car door and walked in the school premises.
"Have a nice day baby sister!" he yelled taking off the school gate.

I walked to my locker, passing the group of friends hugging, laughing, talking with one another. I huff and walk further.
"Hey Leilani" One of the cheerleader, Ivy waved at me. She is with Emily.
"Hi" i wave back at them and i continue with my journey to my locker. I keep asking myself, how did Ivy and Emily end up being friends with Meissy, Natalie and Issencia. Because the duo is so nice and friendly. They even call themselves MINIE and its obvious that Meissy is the boss because her Initial is the first one in MINIE. My thoughts were cut off by me landing on the floor with my butt.

"You should watch where you're going" An deep voice with an italian accent said to me. I quickly stand up and dust my uniform mumbling motherfudge. Not even looking up.
"A sorry would've been bet-" I froze when i look up. Blue eyes were looking straight at me. I cleared my throat and took my eyes of him.
"Whatever" he says turning and walking away without apologizing. That was rude. Oh no. Im gonna be late for my first class. I rushed to my locker and took out my needed books, i made my way to my Biology class.

Fortunately i got there before Mrs Walker or i would be dead by now. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Mrs Walker walks in greeting the class with a sour expression. We all mumbled a Morning Mrs Walker. Trust me when i say this woman is always angry but i dont blame her though. I heard that her husband is a bad guy, he sells drugs and other stuff and that he also beat the hell out of her. She soon start her lesson. I was writing the notes but i got bored in the process so now i was busy drawing whatever this is.
The door went flying open with a bang. I heard whispers and girls giggling but i didnt look up because i was busy with my drawing.
"Mr De Caprio you are late" an angry voice of our Biology teacher says to whoever dared to enterrupts her lesson.
"I know" the source replied with an thick italian accent. Suddently my head shot up and look at the blue eyed guy from earlier. His eyes caught mine, i gulp and look down at my drawing."May i sit down now Mrs Walker?" He ask putting a force on the two last words.
"Uhm.. y-yeah o-of course you can Mr De Caprio" our biology teacher stumbled at her own words. Is Mrs Walker scared? Can you blame her though the boy is scary. My inner-voice says to me. I just rolled my eyes but i have to agree that it was rude and badayy.
Then i heard the chair next to me being pulled. I look up. GREAT, he is now next to me. Note the sarcasm. Nonetheless i continued my drawing of a... i dont know what.
"Ain't you suppose to be writing notes not drawing... that?" The guy says calmly to me. I scoffed.
"Ain't you suppose to write notes not gawking at me?" I ask in return looking at him smirking at me.
"Feisty i see" he says to no one in particular. I shake my head turning to my book mumbling jerk, he chuckles. He heard that you dummy, my inner-voice says. Eh, that's not my problem.
The bell rung signaling that the period is over, i pack my things and went out of the class to my next class which is Math.

I made it to my math class in time. Today we were doing Trigonometry. My worst enemy. After that the day went by so quickly and now i was walking home. I called my brother that he shouldnt bother picking me up because i will pass by the bookstore and that was all a lie, he agreed because he knows i take time to finish shopping books. I just want to clear my mind and walk home peacefully so. When i got home it was late and mom's not home yet. I cooked dinner. I dish up for me and Zan, after we were done eating we watched a movie waiting for mom to arrive but she didn't. That's life of being Medical doctor's children. I gave up and went to bed.


Hey readers

I'm so so glad that you guys chose to read my story.
This is my first time writing so please don't be a hater. And please don't be a silent reader.

I love you all so much❤️

Falling for himDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora