Chapter 10

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                L   U   C   I   A   N   O

I skipped school these two past weeks.

Karson has been calling me and blubbering about how he spent his day at school with the twins, sometimes with Lei. I noticed that he's been calling Lei shortcake, i mean what's that? Shortcake. Sound silly and dumb for me.


I'm not jealous, if that's what you think.

Okay maybe I'm... a little bit thou.

Last week my mother went back to Italy where my father is. She was not meant to spent many weeks here, she was just settling me in and stuff, her words not mine. She sent nonna Giada to stay here with me, Giada was our nanny, my sister and i's nanny. She took care of the house and us of course and i love her so much, she my nonna. Mom and dad will obviously come  here tomorrow, because of the Ball. So its finally happening, I'm going to attend the Ball without her being my partner, eh.

I look up at the sky.
"Just so you know, I'm doing this for you Liviana. I want revenge for what they did to you, nothing will stop me, no one will stop me not even our mother because i know she will try and stop me" i whispered, a rain drop fell on my face then it starts raining heavily. I walk in the house and took a shower because i very much need it right now.

After i was done cleaning myself, i took my phone and call Karson.

"Hey man"

"Tell me the plan" i say

"Oh okay. So... this is what's gonna happen. We arrive there and let the Ball begin as usual, we have our girls Katelyn, Mandy and Isabella. So Katie will be working at the bar, she's the one who will spike Carlos Martinez's drink. He will not fall asleep, the thing will make him dizzy like he just took a drug or something. That's where comes Mandy and Isa, who will try and seduce him then if it works he will obviously ask one of his drivers to take him back to his house or whatever. Then while Isa keeps the fucker busy, Mandy will be placing the small cameras around the house. The party starts there my dear friend"
Karson explained the whole process. Well I'm not against the idea, but...

"Do we trust the girls? I mean... we dont want  to lose them, now do we? We can change the plan" I'm not really sure about the girls, i just... i dont want their families to lose them. I dont want women to be involve in the mafia, its not safe for them. Look what happened to my sister, its even worse because she didnt want anything to do with the mafia. She hated it so much, but she couldnt do anything because she was born to it.

"Dont worry Luc, these girls are fully trained"
He says. Maybe i should trust him, he's never wrong afterall.

"Okay. I trust you"  i say huff

"Of course you do"
He say chuckling on the other hand.
"Get yourself ready Luc. Uh... i will see you tomorrow at the warehouse"
He whisper ending the call without hearing my answer. What's wrong with him? I click my tongue.

My eyes caught something. I walk up to it, picking it up. The necklace. It might have fallen out of the small box, when i was seaching for the key, Liviana's bedroom key.


"We are leaving" Luciano's father, Lorenzo said to his family.

"What do you mean, we are leaving papa?" Luciano's older sister, Liviana ask surprised because she hasnt pack all her things, they were suppose to leave tomorrow night, why now.

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