Chapter 08

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This whole week i've been busy with my school work. I just cant wait to graduate and see myself out of there. Zander's been so stressed with work, cant blame him though, being a CEO can be stressful. He wanted to be an architecture and work for dad's company, but after dad died Zan had to take over the company and be a CEO. At first he didnt want to be a boss but he had to because mom is a medical doctor and i'm still at school, plus i wouldn't want to be a boss, i mean being someone's boss is very stressful.

And well i... i didn't hand back the hoodie, thats because i haven't cross path with Luciano or any of his friends. Karson didn't come to the classes that we shared together, neither did Luciano. I couldn't eat my lunch in cafeteria, because... well I'm a little scared that Andriano might do something again, so i spent my lunch in a playground or a library, plus i get along so well with the library lady. I heard that someone teached Andriano a lesson after the stunt he pulled on me, all credits goes to the mystery guy. Andriano needed to be put in his place for once, he cant keep bullying other students just because they've rejected him. That's insane.


I woke up and showered quickly, i wore my denim boyfriend jean, light pink hoodie and my black airforce. I should wear my hair down today, i put on a scrunchie around my wrist just to be safe you know. I look good though, i smile at my reflection. I went down.

"Morning mommy" i happily greet my mom who was placing the breakfast on the table. This woman is working so hard, she sometimes have night shifts and comes home late but i will never go to school without eating breakfast. She's my rock. Mine and Zander's rock.

"Morning sweetie. Slept well?" She ask sending me one of her best smiles.
"Very well" i smile back at her and start eating. Where's my brother? I wonder.
"Your brother left early in the morning" she says answering my thoughts. I nod. I wish i had superpowers and make his work less stressful.
"You will have to drive yourself at school today" she stated her voice softly, she put the keys of her old Audi on the table. "Just be careful sweetie" she says. I dont like driving, hell, i hate driving. My father died on a car accident, since then I'm not a fan of driving. Zan has been driving me to school and back at home.
"I will mom" i assured her.

After i was done eating, i said goodbye to my mom and drove to school. The drive took long than i expected, that's because i was driving slowly. I had to make sure i get to school safe and sound, dont want any mistake. Got to school on time and went to locker, i took out the needed book for my first class which is Biology. I'm looking forward to this class because Luciano will be there. Arh! What am i saying, i shook my head and continue my journey to the class. The hallways is occupied with learners, everyone is minding their business.

"Hey freak" scratch that, not 'everyone' is minding their own business, i guess.
"Not now Meissy" i say with a bored tone.
"Look who's talking girls" she says blocking my way with her minions, they snicker at her bitchy comment. "Listen here... what's your name again?... Oh Leilani. Listen here Leilani stay away from Luciano, you hear me?" She says. I scoff. She got a nerve.
"How about you go and tell him that, huh?" I smile at them. I shook my head, glancing at Emily and Ivy who were giving me sad looks. People were starting to gather around us.
"Crazy bitches" i muttered looking directly at Meissy and Issencia before pushing them out of my way. To be honest i dont know where i got that confidence from, i just want them to leave me the hell alone. I walk to my biology class, dont wanna be late because that will piss Mrs Walker and i dont want that.

After Mrs Walker greeted the class, she then start with the lesson. The lesson was boring, some of my classmates were sleeping and some were yawning just like me. Its surprising how all of us pass this subject, because no one is paying attention now, besides the boy in a first row. He's a nerd. Sorry for saying that but its true. The bell finally came to rescue and save our lazy as- butt, sorry. I collect my things and made my way to my second class before break. Maths. I despite everything about the class, calculations and stuff but mostly the teacher.

I waited until few learners entered the class, then i made my way to my usual seat near the window. Soon, Luciano sat next to me. I forgot he's in this class too. I can feel his burning eyes on me, withiout looking up i say.
"Staring is rude"
"I know" he simply says, no humor in his voice.
"You didn't attend Biology" i tell him.
"Didnt know you were keeping an eye on me" he chuckles. I roll my eyes turning to look out of the window, where other students were sitting some laying on the grass. I envy them.
"I dont attend my first class" he add. I turn back to him.
"You dont?" I ask puzzled. Then how come his marks are always good, i mean i heard people say that his marks are good.
"Mmh" he nods slowly. "I see you're handling them well" he stated. Handling who?
"Who?" I ask. Mr Woods is running late, he's never late, i wish he could skip class or send someone else.
"The girls" he reply. He's always this calm? I mean he's rude, yes, but his words always comes out calmly.
"The girls?... oh the MINIE?" I ask, remembering what happened earlier in the hallway. I didnt know he was watching.
"MINIE?" he turn to me with perfect raised brows.

"Yeah. Meissy, Issencia, Natalie, Ivy and Emily. The word MINIE is built up by the first letter of their names" i say shrugging at the end.
"This Missy is their boss, i guess?" He says
"Meissy not Missy" i stiffen a laughter.
"Whatever" it was now his turn to roll his eyes, and that shocked me.
"She says i should stay away from you" i dont know why i said that but he needs to know that they are behind me because of him.
"Yeah?" He ask a little amused. I mumble a 'yeah'. "And what did you say?" he finds this amusing i see.
"I said they should tell you that not me" i say feeling a little embarrassed under his gaze. He nods his head chuckling. The bell rings signaling that its lunch time, wish i could give god a kiss right now. Mr Woods didn't come to class.
"Well... thats my cue to leave. I'm so hungry, bye" i collected my thing and made my way out of the class to my locker. Thats a lie, I'm not really hungry, so i took out my lunchbox bag and novel of course. I walk to the playgrounds, i want peace today. I sat there and ate my lunch, the conversation with Luciano was replaying on my mind. Crap, i forgot to tell him that he should come and get his hoodie its been inside my locker since.

My eyes snapped open when i hear the leaves on the ground crunches.
"What a pleasant surprise" i sarcastically say leaning my head on the tree.
"Why are you not in a cafeteria?" Luciano ask taking a sit on a bench.
"Because I'm trying to avoid the drama?" It came out more like a question, its like im not sure about whatever I'm saying. He nodded. We fell in a comfortable silence.
"You're enjoying my company" i decided to cut the silence and tease him.
"I'm not. You're sitting on my spot" he says drinking my juice with the very same straw that i was using. My eyes went wide, my jaw dropped down the floor. He stops and say "What?" he ask.
"Ew gross, i was using that" i say making a disgusted face but he just shrugg his shoulders and continues finishing the drink.

"Nice necklace" Luciano says looking at the necklace around my neck, the very same thing Alex did.
"Thank you. It was a gift from my friend" i say with a frown. His mother gave me this after he left and said that he was sorry, its not an expensive gift its just a half heart necklace that has my initials on it but i love it so much. His mother said he has the other piece, it has his initials on it too.
"Oh" he says. He seems to be thinking about something but the moment he open his mouth, the bell ring. "Fuck" i hear him say under his breath.
"Are you okay?" I ask looking at him. He stood up quickly like the bench just burned his butt, he nodded and walked away. Eh, okay.

I pick my things up and went to class.


Hello my lovely readers❤️
Hope you're still good.
A big thank you for those who are reading my work and please dont forget to vote.

Oh my god! i hate the school bell for interrupting him (huffing).
I wonder what's going to happen now..🤔

Any thoughts??

Remember theories and thoughts are welcomed<3

Much love♡

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