Chapter 16

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Its been a week since Luciano came to the hospital and met my mom.

And I'm so happy because my mom is back at home and even back to work, we tried to advice her that she should stay at home for a while but she said she will go crazy at home. Work is better, her words not mine.

The friendship between me and him has grown bigger, it has skyrocketed. The awkwardness that was once there between us has completely disappeared, and we are now comfortable with each other.

He can now joke, talk and laugh with me instead of being a complete jerk. The twins are more open than before, then Karson... well he will always be Karson.

There's never an awkwardness between Karson and i. He never make things difficult, he's just an open minded person who makes sure that everyone is happy. And i love that about him.

Sometimes we sit together during lunch and i'm used to it. I'm even  getting used of the stares from our peers and glares from the MINIE. They never get tired of approaching me and tell me to leave Luca and his friends alone.

"Hi freak" speaking of the devils and they shall appear.

"Hi bitch" without even thinking i say making her eyes go wide along with her minions. Father god i apologize for cussing, but this bi- , i mean this lovely girl here is testing me. Note the sarcasm.

"What did you just say?" She ask taking a step forward, i didnt move not even a little step backwards.

"Did my voice break?" I say feeling a bit confidence in my body. I push them out of my way and walk to the cafeteria leaving them shocked.

I'm not feeling well since yesterday, and to top it up, i have my monthly guest. Girls you know what I'm talking about.
I walk to Luciano and his gang's table and plop down next to Luca, i put my head down the table not saying a word.

"Hey shortcake" Karson greet.

"Hi Kar, hi guys" i greet but it came out muffled because my head is still on the table.

"You good Leila?"
The twins ask in unison concern in their voice. I look up and see them looking at one another before bursting out of laughter which was contagious, me and Karson end up joining them. Luciano just shook his head.

I answer them after our laughter has died down saying I'm good which they nodded. I wince as the pain slowly made its way to my abdomen.

"Why ain't you eating?" A deep voice ask besides me, i turn to it and find Luca looking at me.

"I-i... I'm not hungry" i stated my gaze shifting to  Meissy, Issencia and Natalie who were entering the cafeteria. Issencia sent me a dirty look but it was soon replaced by a scared look before rushing to their table. I shift my gaze back to Luca and find him looking where i was looking with an scary look.

"What did they do?" He ask pushing his fries to me. I'm suprised why he has them because i remember he once told that he's not a fan of them.

"Nothing" i said pushing back the fries to him. I do have my lunch pack with me, problem is... i dont feel like eating today. I know i love food but today...


Cass I just said i have my monthly guest.. and did you maybe by mistake forget that i'm a virgin?

Oh a guest... i forgot you've never been with a guy since you were brought in this world.


"Take the fries Leila" Luciano says pulling me out of my thoughts. I feel an unusual feeling in my stomach when he calls me by my real name. I take the fries immediately eating them, i take a glance at his and see his jaw clenching.

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