Chapter 23

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I woke up from my phone ringing,
"Hello" i answer still sleepy , i didn't even check the id caller.

"Morning bella"
Luca greets on the other end.

"Morning king" i smile and greet back

"Sorry to wake you"
He says

"Its okay" i reply

"How are you?"

Am i okay? I dont know how i feel honestly but i feel better than yesterday. Oh my, i didn't eat dinner yesterday. I'm sure mom and Zander are worried, today its Saturday i dont know whether they're going to work or not.

He call my name bringing me back from my lala-land.

"Uh- yeah. I'm okay" i lie. I'm not gonna get away with this, not with him. He will know.

He says

I sign "Luciano, i-i... i dont wanna talk about it" i say

"I dont say talk about it... i just want you to be honest with me, bella. How are you?"
He says calmly.

"I dont know, Luca. I-i dont know how to feel honestly" i say shifting in a sitting position.  

"I know... I'll see you later on"
He say. Later?

"Oh-kay. Bye" i say and wait for him to hang up first. When he did, i get up from the bed and make it before going to shower.

I wear my black leggings, white t-shirt and a sweater. I tie my hair in ponytail then i went downstairs, i find mom sitting on the coffee table busy on her laptop.

"Hey mom" i greet sitting on the empty chair.

"Hi peach" i freeze at the nickname. Her and dad used to call me that, she stopped using it after dad's death. "I'm sorry baby... it just slips out. I'm sorry"

Shaking my head reaching for her hands, i hold them "its okay mom. I-i'm just... happy to hear you call me that again. D-dont stop" i smile

"Are you really okay?... i mean with me calling you peach?" She ask hesitant, i nod smiling.

"I'm really okay with it, mom" she kiss the back of my hand before going back to work. "Are you not going to work?" I ask as i walk to the kitchen.

"Nope, its actually my day off" she says following me in the kitchen.

"Yayy!" I say doing a little dance making her laugh loudly. 

"What are we celebrating?" Zander says coming in the kitchen. Is he not suppose to be at work?

"Are you not suppose to be at work?" I ask as we all going to the living room.

"I'm working from home" he says flipping the channels "How about we watch a movie?" he suggest eating some of my snacks. We nod agreeing with him.

We dont know what this movie is but we keep watching it, its interesting.
"Oh my! He's falling in love with her kidnapper" mom exclaim shocked. He's kinda hot though.
"PEACH" mom gasps looking at me. Crap, i said that loud i guess.

"But its true" i say giggling, Zander stare at me for some reason i dont know. Anyway, we continued watching the movie until the knocks on the door disturbe us. We look at each other.

"Why knocking though, why not ring the bell?" Zan ask.
"I will get it" i walk up to the door. Open it and i was met with black clothes.

"Luca... What brings you here?" I ask surprised. He suddenly pulls me to him, hugging me tight like i will disappear. "Luca what's wrong?" He's scaring me.

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