Chapter 26

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I didnt feel like going to school, so i didnt but Karson did. I actually sent him, I spend the whole weekend with his annoying ass. I send a quick text to Leila,  just warning her to stay away from the playgrounds.

What if i do?
I cant keep hiding because of Andriano. --Principessa

I totally forgot how stubborn she can be. I dont even know why did Lexi open her mouth bluntly, because now Leila knows that Andriano wants her. I was gonna tell her eventually, i was just waiting for the right time.

Principessa, please listen to me.

I reply pleading, because if i dont she might not listen to me. Like i said, she can be stubborn sometimes.

After a while my phone pings, they must be on lunch.

You cant tell me what to do or not to do, king.
Even if i dont go to the playgrounds, if he wants me he WILL get me. Nothing will stop him --Principessa

God, this girl is driving me crazy. I leave her on read and sent Karson a text.

Keep an eye on her.
Dont let her go to the playgrounds. If i found out that you let her out of you sight, then you'll be six feet under.

He responds almost immediately,
Oh-kay. But why are you threatening my precious life? --Karson

Stop with the dumb questions, Matteo.

Karson can be annoying, i dont wanna lie to you. I dont know how did he become so close to me, he's painfully annoying. But very smart... if only he wants to be. I dial Leila's numbers,

She answers, i can hear the loud chatting of the students in the canteen.

"Principessa. You're with Karson?" I ask calmly, not wanting to upset her.

"Yeah. Why?"
She ask

"I never thought you'll actually listen to me" I say moving a bit so i can be in a sitting position.

"I'm not stubborn, king"

Yes, you are "I know. I just... i dont want him to get to you. And he will not, if only you always with someone" i explain.


"Say something, princess" i says when she stays quiet. I hear the ringing of the bell. Shit.

"I-i have to go"
She say.

"Come see after-school" i suddenly exclaim, caughting myself off guard.

She ask sounding a tad shocked

"Come to my place after-school" i repeat.

"Uh- sure. But i dont know whether i will remember
where you house is"
She says, i understand her. The last time she was here, she was sick and i drove her to her house late.

"I'll sent someone to come fetch you" i says, hoping that she walked.

"Okay. I have to go before I'm late for class again"
She says. She was late for class? Surprising, really.

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