Chapter 20

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I was awoken by Karson's messages telling me that someone stole our shipment. I'm so fucking angry right now, i dont care about school even if i arrive at school late they wont do anything to me. No one will, not when they know who i am. My phone vibrate on the nightstand.

I'm not really sure how many were they but we got two of them. I suspect its the Martinez --Karson

Martinez? Why am i surprised, because i know they are capable of doing such thing. I've been quiet for too long now, i need to show them who am i.

I'm coming, dont let them go.

My eyes went up to the clock in my room.
02:45 am.
I quickly wear clothes, i take my gun and bike keys and went out to the garage. I wear my helmet and start my bike, i stop at the gate,

"Vince, make sure no one goes in. Call me if there's something important" i say

"I will capo" he nods doing the salute gesture, he press the remote and the gate open automatically. I revved the bike speeding off the driveway. Those Martinez rats will know who i am, they will bring my belongings back to me.

After a while i arrive at the warehouse and the guards open the gate for me. I park my bike and went in, i nod to the guards.
"Where are they?" I ask Marco

"The basement" he reply. I nod and walk to the basement. I went in,

"Smells like poop in here" i exclaim locking the basement doors after i got in, Karson and the others burst out of laughter "Oh shit, i forgot we have guests" i sarcastically say looking at the two guys tied on the chairs.

"Finally, the king has arrived" one of them says showing his blood covered teeth. I laugh loudly,

"If i were you, i wouldn't be so happy to see the king" i say taking the knife from the table and stab his leg, he scream in agony. "Now lets talk business, where is my shipment?" I ask

"We dont know anything about your shipment" he says trying to free himself from the ropes.

"Wrong answer. I'm gonna be nice and ask you again, where is my shipment?" I ask as i take out the knife off his leg, he hiss in pain.

"I fucking dont know anything about your ship-"


"Motherfucker" i mumble wiping his blood on my forehead. I turn to the other one  "Hi there! I hope you dont end up like your friend there" i say smirking at him, he smirk back.

I punch his ugly face rapidly until Alex pull me off him, blood was dripping on my knuckles.
"Mark, who's this guy ?" I ask one of my best hackers Mark.

"Davido Nokeri. 37 of age. Have a wife and two children. 4 and 12 of age. He wor-"  i hold my hand up stopping him.

"Thats enough information, thanks Mark" i say crouching down next to Davido.

"Dont you dare touch my family, De Caprio" he spits blood out.

"I'm not heartless Mr Nokeri... unless you make me. Okay lets get to business, shall we? Now bark, Mr Nokeri"

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