Chapter 35

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I look myself on the mirror, i look good. I'm wearing my black jeans, white long sleeves skin top and black sweater with my blank and white jordan. My hair is tied up in a messy bun, i apply my strawberry chapstick on my mouth. I look fine.

I'm going to school.

I ignore that thought as i'm going downstairs, i hear my brother and mom's chatters in the dinning room. I walk in,

"Goodmorning lovely people!" I greet excitedly sitting on the empty seat next to my brother.

"Morning Peach" the say in unison, they look at each other before cracking up laughing. I just smile at them and dish for myself.

"Who's taking me to school or should i walk?" I ask as i'm biting on my pancakes that are dripping honey on them.

The word 'school' makes me feel nauseous while eating, but i continue eating nonetheless. Completely ignoring the nausea

"No! I'm taking you" Zan says, i feel nauseous again as i'm eating and i stop eating immediately slightly pushing the plate away from me.

"What's wrong Peach? Is it the pancakes, you wanted the waffles?" mom ask an emotion flashes in her eyes. Guilt, i think.

I shake my head "No mom, the pancakes taste really good... my tummy wants to act up" i lie faking a smile. My brother gives me a look, i ignore him.

"Oh no, but you haven't eaten anything" she says frowning down at my plate

"Its okay mom, i will eat at school" i say averting my gaze from my brother.

"Oh okay" she says and continue with her food. I feel really bad for lying but i dont want to worry them. I feel burning gaze on my skin that surely belongs to my brother.

I check the time in my phone, 07:15 am.
"Zande, we are running late" i say standing up from my chair going to the kitchen with my plate i put it inside the fridge. Maybe i will crave pancakes for dinner, who knows.

"Um, yeah. Bye mother" he replys going out to his car.

I take my backpack and swing it on my shoulder, i kiss mom on her cheek.
"I love you mom. See after-school" i whisper softly, i feel very bad lying to her.

"I love you too, Peach. Have a nice day" she replys sending me one of her best smiles, i nod going out following Zan to his car.

I get inside my bother's car and put my backpack in the backseat. Zan pull off the driveway, i sigh. I'm not ready for school, I'm not ready to face Andriano and his gang. I sigh again without even noticing that I'm doing it.

"What's wrong, peach?" I jump slightly at my brother's voice. I look out of the window, looking at the busy streets of New York.

"Can i skip school? I promise i wont tell mom" i say, i know I'm crazy but i dont want to attend school. I think i should be homeschooled again.

"No! She will know, the school will call her" he says shaking his head.
"You can call sick for me" i shrug, he take a glance at me before looking at the road.

"No, no and no. I'm not calling your principal and... you're also not skipping school" he says as the car come to halt, i look up and see the building of my school. Great. "Now you go out there, your head held high. Nothing will happen to you, peach... i believe that friend of yours will protect you"

I scoffed "I believe that friend of yours will protect you" i mimic his voice, taking my backpack in the backseat.

"Hey, i dont sound like that" he says

"Of course you don't" i say sarcastically getting out of the car "See you later, Zande" i close the door waving at him before walking in the school.

I breath in and out before entering the school doors, walking to my locker.
"Girls! Look who finally decided to show up her ugly face at school" i groan at Meissy annoying voice.

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