Chapter 17

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"You know everything about me?" She ask, i can see through my peripheral vision that she's looking at me. I nod.
"My full names?" She ask again. Oh thats so simple amor.

"Leilani Rose Johnson" i wouldn't forget her middle name because it was my sister's middle name.


"Really?" I ask taking a quick glance at her.

"Yes really, king" she smirks. She thinks i dont know her age.

"Mmh. You're 17" i reply increasing the speed of the car.

"Slow down Luca. Now the date of birth?" I notice her wincing. She's afraid of speeds? I dont know why but i didn’t decrease the speed.

"17 November" i reply. I know her birth date because she told me when we were still young, and i dont forget such things. I hear her gasp. "Now do you believe me?" I ask smirking.

"How do yo-- aarh!..." she screams wrapping her arms around her stomach.

"Leila, whats wrong?" I ask in concern. Why is she holding her stomach?

"It hurts" she says tears running on her cheeks, clutching her stomach. I quickly park my car aside. Damnit i should have slowed down instantly. I get out and went to her side, opening the door.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask crouching down to her level.

"It hurts so much Luca" she cries. I pull her to me, and hug her tight.

"You're going to be okay." I say pulling away. I close her door and went to my side and drove to my house. I told siri to call the family doctor via car bluetooth. "I'm sorry Lani" i whispered holding her hand.

His voice boomed inside my car.

"Meet me at my house, its an emergency"

"You're shot again?"
He ask

"What do you mean again?"

"Heard that you were shot when i was not around"
He says. Oh that.. i forgot he wasn't around. No wonder they took me to an usual hospital, not my hospital.


"When should we meet?"

"Now Collier"
I say ending the call. He can be an idiot sometimes.

"Hang on there principessa" i say squeezing her hand a little.

"I want it to go away. It hurts" she says.

We finally arrive at my place, i pick her up in a bridal style and went inside. Gio opened the door for me, i nod thanking him.

"Luca my boy, you're here. I thought yo-... what happened? Who's that young lady?" Nonna Giada ask concern dripping in her voice.

"I'll explain later nonna." I say walking up to the guest room, i put her weak body on the bed then i sat down next to her. "I'm so sorry bella, i should have slowed down when you told me to" i push the hair off her face.

Nonna came in along with Collier. Collier's eyes went wide when he spot Leilani. I understand why he's shocked, i never let any girl close to me. In my house to be exact.
"What happened to her?" He ask taking out his equipment.
"I dont know, but its her stomach" i stand up from the bed.

"Okay. You can go wait outside" Collier says examining her. What? Me go outside while he's in here with her? Insane.


"Please Capo" he pleaded, i didn't fight him because i know he had to attend her. Nonna pulled me outside the room to the living room.

"What happened figlio? Who's the girl?" Nonna ask sitting down on the couch right next to me.
"We we just chatting, i was driving us to the park. Then all of the sudden she had pains in her stomach. Its my fault nonna" i say putting my hands on my face.

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