Chapter 02

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Finally today is friday, fortunately for me i didnt cross path with that blue eyed guy. Everytime i pass by the MINIE gang, they're always screaming about the new guy and being hot. Sue me because i dont even know that 'hot' guy they're talking about. My mind suddently went to the blue eyed boy. I push the door open and went inside my Math class sitting down near the window. I'm so early. My math teacher walked in the classroom taking his seat on the chair. He look up at me and smirked.
"Oh hi beautiful. Didnt see you there" he says smirking at me. He's a Pervert. I think we should go out a minute, don't you think. My inner-self says to me.
"Uhm... i-i" i stumble at my own words. I saw him coming to me so slowly. My hand went up to my neck and fidget with the necklace.
"You're Leilani, right?" He ask. I nodded my head because i dont trust my voice right now.
God please help me. I prayed. "Well i would lo-" he was cut shot by the bang of the door. I silently thank the person.
"What's going on in here, Adam?" the person say my eyes went to the person. Blue eyed guy. And he was already looking at her.
"Uh.. De Caprio" my math teacher says smirking at... your knight in shining armor, my inner-voice say. What No.
"Answer my question, Woods" he says with an angry look on his face.
"Luciano.. Luciano my boy. You know yo-" Mr Woods was cut short by my classmates entering the classroom. Mini me you heard that?, my inner-self ask me. Heard what? Luciano? Oh that.
"Okay class settle down" Mr Woods says to the class but his gaze was burning through my skin, then they all went quite. I cant stay here. You can do it Lei, come on dont let him get to you. I nodded to myself and look up. Thats where i saw him winking at me. I couldn't contain myself. I took my backpack and ran out of the class to the girls washroom.

I was now experiencing a panic attack after so many years. Breathe Lei breatheI cant. Come on, you can do it.  I cant. I a mess tears were running down my face, i cant breathe. The next thing i know i was wrapped around strong arms. I look up and blue eyes were on my hazel ones.
"Try to breathe Princess" Luciano softly says to me. I concentrate on his breathing and scent.
I finally found my breathing again, i unwrapped myself from him and stood up.
"I-I... thank you" i say feeling embarrassed that someone had seen me at my lowest, only Zander and mom knows about this. Now him. My gaze went to him. He nodded his head once.
"Y-you should p-probably go" i say to him. He again nodded and walked out. I shrugg. He's not a much talker i guess. I dont know why he came  here because i...
The ringing of a bell cut my thoughts. I dontbthink i will be able to attend school today. Maybe we should go home. No. What?why?.
Mom and Zan will be worry about me if i get home this early and i dont want that, do you? Of course not. I smile and walk out of the washroom. I walked out of the school. Where are we going?  To the playground.

I have been sitting on this bench reading a book for... forty-five minutes. I prayed that no one sees me here because i would be in trouble for skipping classes and i'm so hungry. If i dont get food right now, i'll probably die because of hunger. Is this how Lions feel when they're hungry? Because i would also kill just to have food.
'Yyyiiiiiiii!' Finally! I jump off the bench and made my way to my locker. Lunch here i come. I love food, dont judge. Besides what happened earlier on, i'm happy about so many things.
1. I skipped literature. I'm so tired of Romeo and juliet.
2. I finished the book that i was reading, now I'm gonna start a new one.
3. Today is friday
4. Zan is taking me to shopping tomorrow! Yayy!
5. And Now I'm gonna feed my tummy.
I opened my locker and took out my lunchbox bag along with my new novel book. I made my way to the cafeteria. I open the door when i got there, all eyes went to me. I ignored the stares and went straight to my seat at the back. I sat down and open my lunch and my novel.

After a while the cafeteria doors open with bang, I didnt need to look up because I know who likes thee grand entrance and girls were whispering and giggling, just like they always do.
"Heeyy Karson, come sit with us" the annoying voice that belong to one of the MINIE gang hollered.
"Naah, we're good, thanks though" Karson says declining her offer. I chuckled to myself. Wait... why are they coming this way. Ooh no. Please dont come to me. Dont come to me. Dont come t...
"Hi Lei" Karson says grinning at me while pulling a chair for himself. Luciano and the twins Alex and Lexi did the same thing.
"Hey Kar" i greet back with a bored look on my face. I put my lunchbox in its bag because i was now full and because i got interrupted. I huff.
"Long time no talk, eh" he says still grinning like an idiot he is. You see Karson and i have been good classmates since whenever. He's a class clown and a great person but he never sit with me during lunch time, so why now?
"What do you want Kar?" I ask looking at everyone but him. I heard the twins giggle but i payed no mind to them. I took a glance at Luciano to only find his eyes on me. I quickly looked away from him but i can still feel his gaze burning through my skin.

"What? N-nothing, i want nothing" he chuckles nervously. He plays dumb. I sent him a look that says 'I wasn't born yesterday'. He sigh and say "Fine, you caught me... are you friends with Emily?... i mean.. i-i.." Oh boy, if stuttering was a person that would be him. I wanted to laugh but i contained myself, i mean i dont want him to be more embarrassed. I looked at his friends and they burst out of laughter, besides him of course. Karson sent them a glare and they quickly covers their laughter with a cough.

"You like her, dont you?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him
"What? Nooo... i mean yess" his voice was so low and thats what ticked me. I burst out laughing, i didnt even try to contain myself this time. I stopped and look at him like he just grew two horns on top of his head.
"Eh, this guy's full of jokes" i said to no one in particular. My hand went up to fidget with the necklace.
"Am i?" he ask his friends who didnt even bother to answer him. That a rhetorical  question. I agree with you there.
"Nice necklace" an unusual voice says. I look up and find Alex looking at the necklace around my neck. To say i was shocked, is an understatement.
"I... thank you" i replied putting the necklace back in my shirt, feeling a little... nervous?
The ringing of the bell saved me from that awkward moment i collect my things and stand up.
"Well... thats my cue to leave" i say dashing out of the cafeteria to my locker. After i collected .y books i went straight to my next classes.

Friday classes went by quickly. It was now after-school. Yay! More sleep tomorrow. Where is Zan? i look around the school, only one black G-Wagon was still in a parking. I wonder who does that belong to. Probably a rich brat. I chuckle at that. My phone vibrate in my hand. Its Zan.

"Hey lil sis"

"Where the hell are you? I've been waiting here for... 20 minutes. TWENTY MINUTES Zander" i screamed at him. Stupid brother.

"I'm sorry Lei. I cant pick you up. I have an important meeting in a... minute?" 
The hell? Help me lord i will kill this motherfudge.

"And you're telling me now!?"

"Look Lei, i have to go. I will have someone to pick you up in 5 minutes"
I scoffed. In 5 mins, really?

"Dont bother. I'll walk"

"Are you sure? I mean its late now"

"Bye Zan" i clicked the end button without letting him answer. I sigh. And start walking.

"Need a ride?" A deep voice says to... me? I guess. I stop and look behind me. Luciano.
"N-no thanks, i'll walk" i say turning back again. I dont know why his eyes reminds me of someone. Wait... please dont tell me that beauty there its his. Its his and unfortunately you turn down his offer. Urgh, shut up. 


Hey lovely people😍

How's the story so far?
I'm thinking of giving Leilani's inner-self a name, because the talk too much to herself.
She's like the werewolves, they talk to their inner-voices so much.
So i think Cassie is a suitable name for a inner-voice.

Love you'll❤️

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