Chapter 06

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Thank god its finally lunch time. I'm so dying of hunger plus i didn't like the looks that my Math teacher was giving me. It was making me uncomfortable. Luciano was not in class today. Ha, funny how you wished he was there today. I... No what? Don't 'what' me, but i dont blame you. We feel safe with him. Uh... You know what, I'm hungry lets go feed our tummy. I know what you're trying to do and its not gonna wor-

"Hey Leila" Emily and Ivy says in unison. Thank god they saved me from my talkative inner-voice. I seem to be thanking god a lot lately. I greet them back.

"Thank you for... yesterday" she says. I was about to say something when i remembered her words.

Please dont tell anyone about this.

I look at Ivy then her. I'm not really sure whether to talk infront of Ivy or not.
"She knows. I told her but not them" she says sensing my hesitant. I know who she's referring to by them, so i nod my head.

"What were you doing there so late?" I ask without even thinking. She sends me a look "Uh... dont answer that" i quickly say letting out a nervous laugh. She nods and her eyes went to something that was behind me. I follow her gaze to only see Meissy and her minions looking at us.
"I should go" i say and walk to the cafeteria.

I took a seat at my regular spot and peacefully ate my lunch. After i was done eating, i took out my book and start reading.

The cafeteria doors burst open and i jump a little. My eyes instantly went up, my breathe hitched when i made eye contact with the most beautiful blue eyes. I look away quickly and continue my reading. As always students were whispering and giggling, my eyes went to where the MINIE took their seats earlier on. They were already looking at me, I raise my brows at them. They look away, but not before i saw a sorry look on Emily and Ivy's face.

The lunch will be over after this... 22mins, so i stood up and made my way out of the cafeteria. I was in the middle of the cafe when a red liquid was thrown right at my face and my hoodie. Oh-no my white hoodie. I look at my hoodie shocked, my jaw down the floor. I heard snickers and giggles.
"Oh my god! Red looks good on you babe" the unfamiliar voice says to me. I look up at the source. Andriano Martinez, Meissy's boyfriend and the biggest jerk in this school. I hate his guts. He tried to date me. No, tried to make me one of his flings but i never agreed. Yes he's handsome and all, but he's cruel and doesn't care about people's feelings. I slightly jump when he place his hand on my shoulder.
"You look beautiful, amor" his italian accent dripping on each and every word he says. I shrugg his hand off me and ran out of the cafeteria to the restroom.

I took off my now wet red hoodie and try to calm myself down. I cant have a panic attack now, not now, please. Breathe in and out.
"Leilani, are you in there?" I faintly hear an unfamiliar voice. All of the sudden i was wrapped in someone's arms. "Breathe in and out. Lets try to spot and count things in here. Shall we?" the voice says. I nod.
"That's two"
"Yes, that's three. Go on"
"I-i can't" i shake my head.
"Yes you can. Go on"
"D-dustbin" i was calming down a little bit.
"Four. Last one." the voice says again.
"Five. Good" the person let go off me, i took that chance and look up at the source. Lexi. I stand up quickly.

"Uh.. i... thank you" i stutter the words out. She stood up too and stand right next to me where i was cleaning my face. She nod and say.
"Are you okay" she asks looking concerned. Why isn't she running away?
"I'm okay, thanks. Why are you not running away?" I ask her.
"Running? Why?" She ask looking perplexed as ever.
"Cause I'm a freak?" I whisper the words out, looking down at my hands.
"You're not a freak, Leilani" she says hugging me, at first i was hesitating to hug her back but nonetheless i did and whisper a thank you.
"I can borrow you my hoodie its chilly out there" she says looking at my hoodie. I smile and nod. We made our way out of the restroom, my eyes caught Lexi's twin, Alex with Karson and Luciano, waiting at the lockers. I look at Lexi.
"I wont say a word, dont worry" she says sensing my discomfort. I smile and nod.

"Hi" i greet them
"Hi Leila" Karson says smiling at me like always.
"Hi" Alex greets back. Luciano only nodded his head in return.
"Oh shit" Lexi says looking inside her locker. Its surprising how close her locker and mine are but i haven't notice that until now. "I forgot the hoodie in Alex's car" she says. I try to hide my disappointment.
"Its okay" i fake a smile. I dont feel comfortable when i'm wearing short sleeves, i'm used to a hoodie that will cover me up.
"Don't you guys have extra?" She ask the boys
"I have one in my locker" Luciano says typing away on his phone.
"Can you please borrow her?" Lexi says to her friend, who was looking at her like she just appeared horns on her head. "Please Luca" she says. He sigh and nodded. He started walking.
"Are you coming or not?" he ask sounding annoyed. He can be rude sometimes, his personality is very confusing.
"Yeah, sure" i say and walked to him not before looking at Lexi who just gave me thumbs up.

On cue, the bell rings. I dont wanna be in class after everything that happened in the cafeteria. I pass by my locker first to take out the needed books. We arrive at his locker, he took out a black hoodie. What i've noticed about him, he mostly wear black clothes.
"Uh... thank you" i say when he hands me the hoodie. I put it on. To say its big is an understatement, but nonetheless i love it and it smells so good.
"Let's get to class" he says nodding. I sigh loudly. Can we just skip school today. You're crazy i see. I wasn't even talking to you. You're me remember. How can i forget when you keep reminding me every minute.
"Don't wanna be in class?" He says. I look at him, as always his eyes were already on me. I nodded.
"Wish i could skip school today" i groan and he softly chuckles. Then i notice his bruised knuckles. "Got into a fight?" I softly ask when were walking to our class. His body went rigid but quickly recover and nod his head yes.
"Okay. Thanks for the hoodie, bye" i wave at him. He walks away without waving back. He's not much of a talker i guess. I sigh and made my way inside the class.

Luckily for me school went so quickly, i just want to go home. Today's events made me so tired and drained my energy. I'm outside the school, waiting for my brother to come pick me up. I look up when a car pull up at the school gate. Oh my! Pure white G-wagon. And guess what! My brother is driving the damn beauty.

"Darn! Who's beauty is this?" I ask getting inside the car. I'm even hesitating to sit on the seats, because wow.

"Hello to you too, baby sister" Zan says with a grin plastered on his face.

"Sorry, hi" i say giving him a small smile. He chuckles and pull off the school gates. "who's baby is this?" I ask

"Mine?" He says. I send him a 'i'm not playing' look. "I'm kidding, this beauty belongs to Max" that, i figured. Max is his bestfriend since from kindergarten, i think. He's my second brother from another mother. As much as i love him, he can be annoying sometimes and a big flirt. His family owns few hotels around America, which results in him being this rich.

"Who's hoodie is that?" now it was his turn to ask. My eyes widen, i forgot i was wearing Luciano's hoodie.

"I- My friend?" It came out more like a question. I'm a bad lier, i know.
"You have a guy friend?" he raise his eye brow.
"She uh... borrowed this from a friend too" i say.
"Mmh okay. What happened to yours?" Why so many questions, am i arrested? do i need to call my lawyer?
"Juice happened" i sarcastically replied. He laughs and park the car outside our home. "Thanks for the ride" i say and went inside. I found mom watching his favorite soapie. I greet her and went straight to my room without her noticing the hoodie that I'm wearing.

I will have to hand it back tomorrow.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter. And dont worry, there's still more coming.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.
Theories and thoughts are welcomed<3

The next chapter's going to be Luciano's pov and maybe a little long🤷‍♀️.

Love ya'll❤️

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