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I felt like I was floating as I followed Cain up the basement stairs then the main stairs until we got to his bedroom. I knew I should've paid attention to what the house looked like, but all I could focus on was Cain's back as he moved.

Once we got to the bedroom, I closed my eyes to breathe in Cain's scent but furrowed my brows as the scent of another male came to my nose as well.

I knew he was active in his sex life based on what he had said in the basement, but I didn't realize he had fucked someone that day.

I watched as Cain made a face at the state the bed was in. He walked around the bed and opened both the windows on either side of the bed. I smiled softly as he started to strip the bed. As he did that, I looked around the room.

The walls were neutral gray and the furniture was all the same dark natural wood. There were three doors in the room, not counting the main one. Two were on the wall to the right of the main while the other was on the left. The two to the right were opened, revealing a bathroom and a closet.

Mounted on the same wall as the main door was a large flat screen tv. Under that were some drawers that had nothing on top. In the left corner of the room, there was a tall dresser that was also bare. In fact, looking around the room, I found nothing that made the room seem lived in.

"Is this your room?" I asked softly as I looked at Cain to see him finished with changing the bed sheets.

"Yes it is, why do you ask?" He said as he walked to the door to the left of the main one. I perked up at the chance to see what was behind it but he closed the door behind him as he entered.

"There's no personal items," I said loud enough for him to hear me. He came back through the door, again closing it behind him right away. With him he had a small stack of papers and a laptop tucked under his arm.

"No point to it. Things like that are just a waste of space." He said before gesturing to me to come to him, I quickly did as I was told. "Do you know anything about the BDSM lifestyle?" He gently guided me back to the bed to sit as he spoke.

I nodded slowly as I looked up at him. "A little, I do know that I'm a sub." He nodded and sat down with me.

"Alright, so to make things easier for our arrangement, we will be signing a contract. This is also to say what we are and are not alright with. This," He said as he handed me the stack of papers. "Is my basic contract and a list of the kinks that I enjoy and I'm alright with. While I type up our contract I want you to go through that and mark off things that you want to do, things you're fine with, and things you will not be doing."

"My hard and soft limits." I said, causing him to smile and pat my head. I sat up straighter as I tried to nuzzle into his hand.

"Easy puppy," he chuckled, "Save that for after the contract is signed." I nodded and watched as he opened his laptop and began to type away. I looked down at the papers in my lap and started to read before I realized I didn't have a pen. Before I could ask for one, I felt something tap my shoulder. I turned to see Cain holding out a pen and a book. "Use the book like a clipboard."

Without saying anything else, we both got to work. Listing my limits was easy, I made a note at the bottom of the page that I was open to most things but I did have some hard limits. I was happy to see that Cain had some of the same limits as me.

Scat, water works, being used by others, age play, and needles.

After listing what didn't match with Cain, I started listing things that I enjoyed the most.

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