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There were very few people in my life that I had grown connections with. First was Soren, we were 7 when we met. I had hid behind my mother's legs as she tried to introduce us, my father yanked me out from behind her, "Don't be such a pussy," he had said. Once I had gotten over my fear of meeting someone new, Soren and I were inseparable.

Second was my late fiance. She was incredible, every room she walked into she would grab everyone's attention. She had long black hair, pale skin, and deep brown eyes. She never seemed to light up a room, but she would set fires under people and motivate them like no other.

Those were the only two people that I had ever connected with emotionally. And after Lilith died, I felt like I'd be betraying her if I even tried to connect with someone on a romantic level. But I had needs, so I slept around. I slept with anyone that was willing; men, women, I didn't care. It didn't matter as long as I got release and the satisfaction of dominating someone.

That was until Zander. I didn't know what it was about him, but I was instantly drawn into him. As soon as I laid eyes on him tied up on that chair, I knew that I wanted him. It scared me as the feeling grew once we began our contract.

I wasn't supposed to feel things. I was supposed to use others to satisfy myself and leave them wanting more of me. Wanting something that they could never get.

But I still felt my heart squeeze when Zander would look up at me with those puppy eyes when he wanted something, or when he tried to look back at me over his shoulder during sex, or when he slept. He always seemed to look his best when he was sleeping, especially when he would steal one of my shirts and sleep in nothing but that and panties.

I looked down at Zander who was peacefully sleeping next to me. He was laying on his side, facing me, with his hands curled and tucked under his chin. I felt my heart clench and my body went stiff as he shifted closer to me in his sleep, laying his head on my chest. How could someone, one person, be so fucking cute?

I didn't understand what was happening to me. I had slept with Olive hundreds of times, probably more, and I never once felt anything toward him other than the urge to dominate him. How could someone I had only known for five weeks make me feel more than someone I had known for years?

Olive doesn't even hold a candle to Zander. The only person that even came close to him was Lilith. I jolted at the thought. That couldn't be right, Lilith was my everything, she was the love of my life. I couldn't find another after her, it would be like spitting on her grave.

I quickly pulled away from Zander, like his touch had burned my skin. But in reality I had craved it so much that it scared me. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, trying to think of how to pull myself away from Zander long enough for the feelings to go away.

Obviously I just need to fuck someone else, the only reason I'm comparing Zander to Lilth is because she was the only other person I consistently and exclusively had sex with. I've been only fucking Zander for over a month, I just need to- My thoughts were cut off as Zander gently grabbed my hips in his sleep, cuddling into my lap.

"Mmh, my Master," He mumbled into my lap as he fell back asleep. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I was his master, and I was only his master. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me, I was a kickass mafia man, and I was kickass Dom. I didn't need my emotions when I had my brain.

I slowly laid back down in the bed and put my arm around Zander to pull him closer to me. There's nothing romantic about cuddling my sub while we sleep.

 There's nothing romantic about cuddling my sub while we sleep

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