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I smiled happily and nuzzled into Cain's chest, my hand rested on his stomach as we cuddled. My stomach had been filled with butterflies ever since Cain had given me the ring, a full week ago. It was beautiful, a silver band with five diamonds in a line, the one in the middle was a bit larger than the others. I would've loved anything that Cain gave me, but the face that it was his grandmother's ring made it even more special.

I was so pleased to have something that Lilith never got. I hated to think ill of the dead but I envied her, detested her even. She got to see so much of Cain that I didn't and never would see. She saw him grow into the man he was. She was my mate's first love, the only other person that he loved beside myself. It was incredibly difficult to not compare myself to Lilith. Everytime Cain did something special for me, I couldn't help but think, did he do this for her? It was nice to not have that thought with this gift, the ring.

"Zander?" Cain said suddenly, I looked up to see him staring down at me with a look of worry. "When we started this contract, it wasn't something we got into because we wanted partners. It was a means of you paying me back for the suit. So I've been thinking and if you don't want to continue with the contract or playtime, we can stop. I can let that part of myself go if that's what you want."

I smiled softly and sat up to cup his cheek in my hand. "I don't want you to ever give up a part of who you are for me. Being a Dom is part of you and I love that. I don't want to stop, I love this world you're brought me into. I love when you call me a good boy or your puppy, I love that you aren't afraid to use toys to pleasure me. I love when you tie me up or punish me for breaking a rule, I love giving my control to you. You being my Master is just as permanent as you being my mate. I never want that to change."

He grinned at me, pulled me over him and rolled until I was under him. "I love you so much, puppy." He said as he showered my face and neck in kisses. My laughter almost drowned out the sound of someone knocking rapidly on the bedroom door. Cain pulled away from my neck with an angry look, glaring at the door. "What." It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

As Soren spoke, I was lost in studying Cain's chest. No matter how many times I saw him naked or shirtless, I was still enamored with him. He kept himself groomed and neat so his chest hair was light, he did keep the trail of hair that went from his belly button to the bush of hair that rested above his dick. I playfully moved my fingers through the hair, teasingly dipping them under the hem of his boxers and back. I frowned when Cain grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

I looked up at him in question, if Soren was done talking with him I wanted to play. "When I tell you this, you need to stay calm for me, alright puppy?" He sat us up as I nodded, the seriousness in his voice killing my horny mood. He cupped my face in his hand, "Peter is downstairs asking for you." The words felt like ice water on my face.

"H-he's here? He can't be! I-I need to leave-hide."I began to panic and was about to move off the bed when Cain held me still.

"Listen to me." He demanded, I instantly froze and looked at him. "You do not have to go anywhere. He won't be here for long, we will make him go away and he will listen."

"But, w-what if he tries to-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"If he dares to even touch you I'll fucking kill him." He took a calming breath, "What do you need right now? You don't have to go down there at all, I'll take care of it."

"I-I don't want to see him. Cain, please make him go away." Tears began to well in my eyes as I looked at him. I was terrified, I didn't want to see, hear, or talk to Peter. I just wanted to close my eyes and forget about him for good. "I-I need you, y-your scent." I quickly added.

He nodded and went to his dresser and pulled out a dark gray sweatshirt and sweatpants set. He brought them over to me and helped me into them. I sighed happily as I was engulfed in more of Cain's scent. After, he went back and pulled on a pair of light gray sweats. If I wasn't so caught up in the situation, I would've been drooling at the sight of his dick through the pants.

Cain wrapped his arms around me and sighed, "take as long as you need and then I'll go down." I nodded and nuzzled into his chest, holding my hands to my chest, curling them under my chin. "I do have to be realistic though, puppy. I may need to call you down there, but I won't unless it's absolutely necessary.

I nodded and kissed his chest, "As long as you don't leave me with him alone, I trust you. Master, I trust you with my everything."

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