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The last thing I wanted to do for the meeting was to bring Zander, but he latched himself onto me so tight that I couldn't remove him. That was the only downside to dating a werewolf, I wasn't the strongest in the relationship. It did make me happy that he let go of that strength when we played.

Meetings were always something I was good at, I just didn't really like doing them. They were always either one of two things, unbearingly boring or they ended in bloodshed of some kind. At least there were a few dry cleaners under our protection, not needing to explain the blood away was very nice.

The area where we did most of our meetings was the same warehouse where Zander met Charlee and James, just a different part of it. This part was further inside, mostly empty, aside from a few chairs.

"Boss, they're here." Soren spoke after answering his phone.

"Bring them in, slowly." I said before turning to Zander, who was standing next to the chair I sat in. "Remember puppy, you are to be seen and not heard. Break this rule and you will be punished, understood?" If I was being honest, I was worried about him being in the meeting. I didn't want him to be exposed to this part of my life, especially if it went messy.

"Yes, Master." Before I could say anything further, Gavin and some of his men walked into the room.

"Cain Gallo. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked in a fake voice that had me rolling my eyes.


"So you see, it really was just a misunderstanding that absolutely will not happen again." Gavin said with a strained, fake smile. After Cain explained why I was there and who I was, Gavin seemed more on edge.

"Wonderful, I was hoping there'd be no bloodshed today. I wouldn't want to scare my pet away." He chuckled while looking my way, causing me to blush.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of Gavin's men move his hand behind himself slowly. I focused my hearing on what the man was doing, my eyes widened as the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking flowed into my ears.

Before I could think fully about it, I shifted and lunged at the man. He screamed as I came toward him, he brought his gun out fully but before he could do anything I had his throat in my mouth. I killed him almost instantly, breaking his neck between my jaws.

Almost as quickly as I left, I was back at Cain's side. This time I stood in front of him protectively. I growled lowly at Gavin as his wide eyes shifted between staring at me and Cain.

I felt Cain's hand slowly move through my fur until it rested on top of my head between my ears, fingers gently playing with my fur. His hand on my head was distracting to say the least, but I wasn't going to let anything take my focus from the man in front of me. I glared at him while showing my teeth in a snarl.

I wasn't sure if Gavin's man acted on his own or if he was under orders. What I did know was that I wasn't going to let anyone get away with attempting to take the life of my mate.

"What the fuck!" Gavin yelled after finally coming out of his shock.


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