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"What the fuck!" Gavin yelled, his shocked face turning to one of anger and hatred. He stuttered, trying to find the words as his men all backed away in fear.

I smiled calmly at him and glanced down at Zander, who was still in wolf form and glaring daggers at Gavin. Zander's fur was soft under my hand and although he had blood dripping from his jaws, I couldn't see him as anything but my puppy. "I agree, Gavin. What the fuck? Why was that man pulling his gun? Now my pet's outfit is ruined," I said sternly.

I know it seemed like I wasn't taking the situation seriously, it was clear that Gavin's men wanted to kill or harm someone in the meeting. But in my line of work, there was always a threat of getting shot. It was like the chances of getting caught in the rain, very high.

I couldn't help but feel so proud of Zander. Not only did he protect me, seemingly without a thought, he did so perfectly. I was starting to reconsider keeping Zander away from that part of my life. The last thing I wanted to do was exploit him, but he could've been useful.

"Do you really think that is the thing I want to focus on right now? Your slut's fucking outfit?" Gavin shouted, "Your whore just turned into a fucking monster! Do you really think I give shit about its clothes?"

Zander snarled loudly and snapped his jaws at Gavin's words. I gave him my own glare, "What the fuck did you just call him?" I asked darkly.

"A monster? It's what he is!" He continued shouting.

I stood up from my chair, my glare must've changed to a harsher one because Gavin had a look of fear as I stared him down. "You called him a whore. Apologize." I demanded.

"The fuck? No! He's a monster, it shouldn't even be alive!" Gavin reached for his gun, causing every one of my men to pull their own and point them at him. He stuttered but kept his gun in his hand. I could've laughed at the fact that most of his own men looked like deer in headlights. The two that didn't, had their own guns pulled but they were pointed at the ground. Odd, I thought.

"Are you really stupid enough to keep droning on like this with all these guns pointed at you?" I asked, "Stop stalling and apologize."

"I knew there was something off about your group!" Turned out he was stupid enough. "That monster of yours shouldn't be here. And since you obviously don't give a shit about humans because you're fucking the enemy, I'll have to do it myself." He fully pulled out his gun, cocked it, and pointed it at my mate.

The sound of thirty guns cocking simultaneously filled the room, causing Gavin to hesitate. "Even try to pull that trigger and you'll be obliterated with the amount of lead I'll put into you."

"I-I'll be back! When you least expect it, I'll be back to wipe out your filthy wolf blood." With the almost-threat Gavin and his frozen men left.

I sighed, annoyed, as I sat back down on my chair. I wasn't worried about Gavin's threat, not in the least. I was more concerned about the fact that 'coming back when I least expect' typically meant at my house and I really didn't want to pay for repairs. Again.

My eyes widened as Zander's body began to shift and change. As fast as I could move, I took off my jacket and yelled at my men to leave the room.


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