Chapter 2: transferred

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Alexia sat in her living room, nursing a cup of tea and scrolling through messages on her phone. When she came across Amelia's message, she couldn't help but scoff. The rivalry between them was deeply ingrained, and while part of her appreciated the gesture, her competitive spirit refused to accept it. She chose not to respond, determined to focus on her recovery instead.

Meanwhile, in a completely different world, Amelia's voice filled the air with frustration as she shouted at her agent over the phone. "What do you mean, I'm being transferred to FC Barcelona? Are you out of your mind?" Her head was spinning, and her heart felt like it had stopped.

The agent's voice on the other end of the line was calm and composed. "Amelia, it's a great opportunity. Barcelona sees you as the missing piece in their puzzle, and they're willing to make a substantial offer. This is your chance to shine on a bigger stage."

Amelia paced her apartment, her mind racing. She had always dreamt of playing for one of the biggest clubs, but she hadn't anticipated it happening so soon, and certainly not at the same club where her rival, Alexia Putellas, was recovering from injury.

As the realization sank in, her emotions swirled in a tumultuous storm. She knew this would be a game-changer in her career, but it also meant teaming up with the very person she'd been trying to outshine. The rivalry was about to take a new and even more intense turn, and as her agent continued to explain the details of the transfer, Amelia couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected twist would impact both her soccer dreams and her relationship with Alexia.

Amelia's farewell with her Real Madrid teammates was bittersweet. She had built strong bonds with them during her time there, and saying goodbye was not easy. They wished her well on her new journey, knowing that her transfer to FC Barcelona was a significant step in her career. As she left the changing room for the last time, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness mixed with anticipation for what lay ahead.

Arriving in Barcelona, she began the process of unpacking in her new house. It was a beautiful place, but it still felt strange and unfamiliar. She sighed as she looked around at the boxes, wondering how her life had taken such a sudden turn. Her gaze fell on her soccer boots, a symbol of her journey so far, and she knew she had to give it her all in this new chapter.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Alexia sat on her couch, scrolling through her phone. She had been recovering steadily from her ACL surgery and was excited about the prospect of rejoining her team soon. However, her excitement turned to frustration when she saw the FC Barcelona group chat buzzing with messages about Amelia's transfer.

She dropped her phone onto the couch with an exasperated groan. The rivalry between her and Amelia was already intense, and now they were going to be teammates? It was a scenario she hadn't anticipated, and she couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected twist would impact her life, both on and off the pitch. The road to recovery just got a lot more complicated.

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