Chapter 15: truth or dare

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Amelia left her house, dressed comfortably in her Barcelona hoodie and shorts. With a mischievous grin, she decided to have a bit more fun with Alexia and sent her a teasing text message. "Hey Alexia, just a heads up, I'm swinging by your place to pick up Mr. Cuddles for our team bonding night!"

Alexia, already at Patri's house with the team, received the text and couldn't help but respond. She sent back a quick reply, her tone playful but with a hint of warning, "Don't you dare!"

Amelia couldn't help but laugh at Alexia's response as she continued on her way to Alexia's house.

Amelia arrived at Patri's house, where the team bonding night was in full swing. She hugged Patri warmly as she welcomed her inside. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the team was in good spirits.

Amelia headed to the kitchen to grab a beer, and there, she spotted Alexia. With a sly grin, she approached her from behind and whispered in her ear, "You know, it was very tempting to bring Mr. Cuddles, just for fun."

Alexia turned to face her, a mock stern expression on her face. "Amelia, leave him out of this!" she said, but her eyes twinkled with amusement.

They both laughed and headed back into the living room, where the team was gathering to play a game of truth or dare. The evening promised to be filled with fun, laughter, and a chance for the team to bond even further, and it seemed that their playful banter was just the beginning of a memorable night.

As the team settled in for a game of truth or dare, the living room was filled with laughter and excitement. They formed a circle, and Patri volunteered to go first.

"Alright, Amelia, truth or dare?" Patri asked, grinning mischievously.

Amelia thought for a moment before responding, "Truth."

Patri contemplated her question carefully. "Okay, spill the beans. Who's your celebrity crush?"

Amelia chuckled and replied, "Oh, that's an easy one. It's definitely Emma Watson."

The team erupted into laughter, teasing Amelia about her choice. As the game continued, truths and dares were passed around the circle, each one revealing quirky and amusing details about the players. The atmosphere was lighthearted and filled with camaraderie, and the team was getting to know each other on a whole new level.

When it was Alexia's turn, she faced a daring dare from Mapi. "I dare you, Alexia, to do your best impression of your favorite animal."

With a grin, Alexia accepted the challenge. She stood up and, with her crutches for support, mimicked a kangaroo's hop around the room, earning applause and laughter from her teammates.

The game continued into the night, with each turn bringing more laughter and bonding moments. It was a memorable team bonding night, one that strengthened their friendships both on and off the soccer field, and it left everyone looking forward to future gatherings.

As the game of truth or dare progressed, the dares became increasingly daring and risky, and the team members were up for the challenge. Laughter filled the room as they pushed each other out of their comfort zones.

Mapi, always the bold one, dared Patri to attempt a handstand. Patri, not one to back down, eagerly accepted and tried her best to perform a handstand in the middle of the living room. She wobbled a bit but managed to hold her balance for a few seconds, earning cheers and applause from her teammates.

Amelia, known for her agility on the field, was given a dare by Alexia. "I dare you to show us your best dance moves, Amelia."

Amelia grinned and didn't hesitate to get up and start dancing to an imaginary beat. Her teammates clapped along, impressed by her rhythm and grace.

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