Chapter 8: letting the rivalry fade away

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The next day, Amelia arrived at training with a hangover, her head pounding from the effects of the alcohol she had consumed during their late-night conversation. She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as she remembered the drunken video call with Alexia. It had been an unexpectedly vulnerable moment with her rival.

As she stepped onto the training pitch, she couldn't help but blush when her eyes locked with Alexia's. Memories of their conversation and the sympathy Alexia had shown flooded back. Despite the rivalry that defined their relationship, there was a newfound sense of connection, and it left Amelia feeling both self-conscious and intrigued.

Amelia knew that she had let her guard down in front of her rival, and it made her feel strangely exposed. Yet, there was also a curiosity about how this unexpected connection might evolve and impact their interactions both on and off the soccer pitch.

The training session was in full swing when a sudden cry of pain pierced the air. All heads turned to see Amelia, who had rolled her ankle hard. Her face contorted in agony, and she let out a series of anguished screams that sent shivers down the spines of her teammates.

Alexia, despite her own injury, hobbled over to Amelia's side as quickly as she could, a look of concern etched on her face. Patri and Mapi followed closely behind, their worry evident.

"Amelia, breathe," Alexia said softly, trying to calm her down. "We're here. It's going to be okay."

Amelia's breathing was labored, and she clenched her fists, unable to contain her frustration and pain. With a cry of frustration, she punched the pitch hard, a burst of anger and despair escaping.

Patri knelt beside Amelia, gently placing a hand on her back. "It's going to be alright," she reassured her, her voice soothing. "We'll get you the help you need."

Mapi, though known for her tough demeanor, showed a rare moment of compassion as she said, "Don't worry, we've got your back, Amelia."

The intensity of the situation hung in the air as the team rallied around their injured teammate. Amelia's rolled ankle was a stark reminder of the physical toll the sport took on their bodies, and in that moment, the rivalry seemed far less significant compared to the bonds they shared as teammates and fellow athletes.

As Alexia carefully removed Amelia's cleat, the extent of the injury became painfully evident. Amelia's ankle was visibly swollen, and the colors of bruising were beginning to show. Amelia winced and whimpered in pain, her eyes welling up with tears.

Patri, always a calming presence, tried to soothe her injured teammate. "It's going to hurt, but we'll get you the help you need," she assured Amelia, gently patting her shoulder.

Alexia couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy as she examined the swollen ankle. Despite their rivalry, the sight of Amelia in pain tugged at her heartstrings. She knew what it was like to deal with injuries and the frustration that came with them.

"I'm really sorry this happened," Alexia said softly, her tone sincere. "We'll make sure you get the best care and support."

Amelia, still in pain, looked up at Alexia, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. In that moment, the fierce competition between them seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a shared understanding of the physical and emotional challenges they faced as athletes.

As they waited for medical assistance to arrive, the camaraderie among the teammates became more apparent. Despite their differences and rivalry, they were a team, ready to support each other through the highs and lows of their soccer journey.

Alexia hobbled into the training room, her own injury nagging at her, but her focus now shifted to Amelia's condition. She had just spoken to the team's physical therapist about the severity of Amelia's ankle roll, and the news was not encouraging.

As she entered the room, her eyes fell upon Amelia, who was sitting on a bench, sobbing hard into her shirt. The sight of her rival in such distress tugged at Alexia's heartstrings, and the intensity of their rivalry seemed to dissipate in that moment.

She approached Amelia softly, her voice filled with empathy. "Amelia," she said gently, "I know it hurts right now. But you're going to get through this. We'll make sure you get the best care."

Amelia, still crying, looked up at Alexia with tear-filled eyes. The pain and vulnerability she felt were overwhelming, and Alexia's words offered a glimmer of comfort. She nodded weakly, appreciating the support from an unexpected source.

In that moment, the rivalry that had defined their relationship for so long seemed to fade into the background. They were two athletes, both dealing with the harsh realities of their profession, and their shared humanity was now more apparent than ever. Alexia, despite her own injury, was there to offer a helping hand to a distressed teammate, and the bonds of their team and the camaraderie among athletes took precedence over any competition.

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