Chapter 13: mr. cuddles

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Amelia decided to go for a run to clear her mind and get some exercise to aid in her recovery. Her injured ankle was starting to feel better, and she was eager to regain her fitness. As she jogged around a corner, she was deeply absorbed in her thoughts, not paying much attention to her surroundings.

Suddenly, she collided with something—or rather, someone—solid. Her heart skipped a beat as she stumbled backward, nearly losing her balance. In her state of surprise, she inadvertently spilled her coffee all over the pavement.

Looking up, Amelia's eyes widened as she realized she had run right into Alexia. Nala, Alexia's dog, barked excitedly at the unexpected encounter.

"Whoa, sorry!" Amelia exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

Alexia, her coffee-stained clothes forgotten for the moment, couldn't help but chuckle at the collision. "No harm done," she said, offering a friendly smile. "I guess we both need to be more careful."

Nala, sensing the friendly atmosphere, wagged her tail and approached Amelia, tail wagging in greeting. It was an unexpected meeting on the streets, one that had brought them together outside of the soccer field.

Amelia, feeling responsible for the coffee mishap and wanting to make amends, offered to help Alexia hobble back home with Nala. Alexia gratefully accepted, leaning on Amelia for support as they made their way to her house.

Once they arrived, Alexia excused herself to change her coffee-stained clothes. She directed Amelia to the living room, saying, "Make yourself at home while I get cleaned up. Nala will keep you company."

Amelia nodded and took a seat in the living room, glancing around at the cozy space. She couldn't help but smile as she noticed framed pictures on the walls. The photos captured moments from Alexia's life, both on and off the soccer field. There were pictures of her with teammates, family, and even some candid shots of her smiling and laughing.

Amelia's eyes lingered on a particularly sweet photo of Alexia as a child, hugging a giant teddy bear. She chuckled softly, remembering their recent playful banter about teddy bears and mismatched socks. It was a glimpse into a side of Alexia that she hadn't seen before—the softer, more personal moments that defined her life beyond soccer.

As Alexia returned, now wearing fresh clothes, she caught Amelia's gaze on the photos. "Oh, those are just some memories," she said with a fond smile. "Feel free to ask if you have any questions about them."

Amelia appreciated the gesture and the chance to glimpse into Alexia's life outside of soccer. Their encounter on the street had led to a surprising connection, one that was slowly deepening and becoming more genuine with each passing day.

Amelia, feeling mischievous and eager to continue their friendly banter, couldn't resist teasing Alexia about the giant teddy bear picture. With a playful grin, she leaned over to rub Nyla's stomach and asked, "So, what's the name of your teddy bear, Alexia? Mr. Cuddles?"

Alexia's cheeks turned a deep shade of red at the teasing, and she couldn't help but groan in embarrassment. She attempted to maintain her composure but soon burst into laughter. "Okay, fine, you got me," she admitted. "It's Mr. Cuddles. Childhood nickname, you know?"

Amelia chuckled at the confession, enjoying the playful exchange. "Mr. Cuddles, huh? That's adorable. I promise I won't tell anyone on the team about it."

Their laughter filled the room as they shared this light-hearted moment, continuing to build a connection that went beyond their rivalry.

Amelia, after a pleasant visit and a lot of teasing, decided it was time to head home. She gave Alexia a warm hug before leaving, but not without one final tease. "Don't forget to give Mr. Cuddles a big hug for me," she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Alexia groaned at the reminder but couldn't help but smile. "Oh, I will," she replied, playing along with the joke.

As Amelia left and the door closed behind her, Alexia couldn't resist the urge to fetch Mr. Cuddles from its resting place. She shyly approached the giant bear, her childhood companion, and gave it a playful scolding.

"You see, Mr. Cuddles," she said with a grin, "we're going to have to get Amelia back for making fun of you. Just you wait, we'll come up with something."

With that, Alexia gave the giant teddy bear a soothing hug, a gesture that brought back memories of comfort from her childhood. It was a private moment, a playful connection to her past, and a reminder of the unexpected bond she was forming with her rival, Amelia, one that was slowly becoming more genuine and less competitive with each passing day.

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