Chepter 30: I'll protect you

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The night was quiet and still as Amelia lay in bed next to Alexia, her mind filled with the approaching game. The anxiety gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but fidget, her fingers nervously tracing invisible patterns on the sheets.

Alexia, sensing Amelia's unease, turned to her with a gentle smile. She cupped Amelia's cheek, guiding her to meet her gaze. "Hey, love, what's bothering you?" she asked softly.

Amelia sighed, her shoulders slumping under the weight of her worries. "It's just... next week, my first game back. I can't help but feel nervous, Alexia. What if I mess up, or what if I'm not as good as I used to be?"

Alexia's thumb brushed gently against Amelia's cheekbone. "Amelia, listen to me," she began, her voice filled with reassurance. "You are an incredible athlete, and you've worked so hard to get back on that field. These nerves are natural. But trust me, you've got the talent, the determination, and the heart to shine out there."

Amelia's gaze met Alexia's, her eyes searching for that unwavering support she always found in her. "But what if I let the team down?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Alexia leaned in, pressing a sweet kiss to Amelia's forehead. "You won't," she said firmly. "And even if things get tough on the field, remember that I'll be there to protect you, just like I promised. We're a team, on and off the pitch."

Amelia's heart swelled with love and gratitude for the woman by her side. She nestled closer, feeling Alexia's warmth enveloping her. "Thank you, Alexia," she murmured. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Alexia wrapped her arms around Amelia, pulling her into a loving embrace. "You'll never have to find out," she whispered, their lips meeting in a soft and reassuring kiss. In the safety of each other's arms, they snuggled together, finding comfort and strength in their love, ready to face whatever challenges the future held for them.

The day of the game had finally arrived, and the anticipation was palpable as Amelia and Alexia made their way towards the tunnel leading to the pitch. The stadium buzzed with excitement, fans roaring in the stands, but amidst the chaos, the two lovers found a moment of tranquility.

Amelia, clad in her team's uniform, couldn't help but feel the weight of the upcoming match. She glanced at Alexia, who was walking by her side, and their eyes locked. In that instant, a silent understanding passed between them.

Alexia took hold of Amelia's wrist tape, and with a gentle smile, she uncapped a marker from her pocket. As they walked, she carefully wrote her name on Amelia's wrist tape, forming each letter with precision. When she was done, she drew a small heart next to her name, signifying the love and support that would be with Amelia throughout the game.

Amelia watched the act with a soft smile, her nerves easing with each stroke of the marker. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to her. She knew that no matter what happened on the field, Alexia would be there, cheering her on, and protecting her.

With her name and heart prominently displayed on Amelia's wrist, Alexia leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek. "You've got this, Amelia," she whispered, her voice filled with belief.

Amelia turned to her, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Alexia," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I'll carry your support with me on that field."

They continued walking, hand in hand, ready to face the game together. In that moment, the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the match faded into the background. What mattered most was the love they shared, and it gave them the strength to conquer any challenge that lay ahead.

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