Chapter 42: feeling under the weather

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Amelia had caught a nasty cold. She lay in bed, bundled up under the blankets, shivering as her body battled the chills. The room felt colder than usual, and she couldn't help but curl up into a tight ball. Her head throbbed, and her throat was scratchy.

Alexia, always the caretaker, was quick to notice her condition. With a concerned look on her face, she approached Amelia's bedside. She gently placed a hand on Amelia's forehead, checking her temperature, and confirmed that her beloved was running a fever.

Alexia knew what had to be done. She carefully peeled back the layers of blankets and comforters covering Amelia. She took a moment to adjust the thermostat in the room to a warmer setting, ensuring that the environment would be more conducive to Amelia's recovery.

Then, with all the tenderness in the world, Alexia climbed into bed beside Amelia. She wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close, wanting to share her warmth. Her body pressed against Amelia's, and she could feel the slight trembling of her girlfriends frame.

Alexia whispered soothing words, assuring Amelia that she was there to take care of her, to nurse her back to health. She gently ran her fingers through Amelia's hair, her touch a comforting caress. Her hand moved to Amelia's back, rubbing soothing circles, her fingers acting as a balm against the cold.

Amelia buried her face into the crook of Alexia's neck, seeking warmth and comfort. Alexia's body radiated heat, and it was as if she had become a living, breathing source of warmth for Amelia. The shivers slowly began to subside as they lay there, wrapped in an embrace that provided not only physical warmth but emotional comfort too.

Alexia held Amelia close, and the world outside faded away. Their love and affection would be the cure for Amelia's cold. For in each other's arms, they found the warmth they needed to weather any storm.

Alba had decided to drop by unannounced. She walked into the room with a smirk, her playful teasing at the ready, but her jovial spirit was quickly met with an uncharacteristic silence. There, on the bed, lay Alexia and Amelia, cuddled together, still recovering from the cold that had been plaguing Amelia.

Alba opened her mouth to say something witty, something that would usually provoke laughter or a playful retort, but she immediately noticed the serious expression on Alexia's face. It was one she hadn't seen before, and it spoke of a protective, almost territorial nature.

Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Alba's teasing tone vanished as she quickly deduced that this was not the time for jokes. She cleared her throat and changed her approach.

"Hey, Alexia," Alba began, her voice softening. "Is everything alright? You both seem a bit under the weather."

Alexia's gaze never left Amelia, who was nestled in her arms. Her response was calm but laced with a protective edge. "Amelia's been unwell with a cold. I'm taking care of her."

Amelia, still snuggled into Alexia's embrace, gave Alba a weak smile but couldn't muster the energy to say much. She had a croaky voice from her sore throat.

Alba understood the gravity of the situation. She moved closer to the bed and gently patted Amelia's leg. "I hope you get well soon, Amelia. And Alexia, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll just let you two rest."

As she turned to leave, Alexia spoke with more warmth in her tone. "Thanks, Alba. We appreciate your understanding."

Alba left the room with a softer look on her face, respecting their need for rest and privacy. She had seen a different side of Alexia today – a side that showed just how much she cared for Amelia, especially in moments of vulnerability.

Alba knew better than to tease them now. Some things were too precious to make light of.

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