Chapter 10: getting to know each other more

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Days had passed, and Amelia was still confined to her bed, her injured ankle on the mend. She decided to update her fans on Instagram about her injury, posting a photo of her with her ankle propped up and explaining the situation.

As she hit the post button, she couldn't help but feel vulnerable. She knew that, in the world of professional sports, injuries were a part of the game, but it still stung to be sidelined.

Shortly after posting, a notification popped up on her phone. It was a comment from one of her teammates. She smiled as she read it, appreciating the support from her fellow players.

But what surprised her most was when she saw Alexia's comment. It was a simple, "Wishing you a speedy recovery, Amelia." There was something genuine in those words that made Amelia feel a little better.

Grateful for the unexpected support from her rival, Amelia sent Alexia a text message. "Hey, thanks for the comment. It means a lot," she typed out, her fingers tapping on the screen. She wanted to express her gratitude and maybe make a bit of small talk, despite their complicated history.

Alexia's phone chimed with a new message, and when she saw it was from Amelia, she couldn't help but smile. Despite their rivalry, there was something surprisingly nice about the conversation they had shared during Amelia's vulnerable moments.

Amelia, feeling a bit awkward about reaching out, typed out her message carefully. "You know," she began, "I've never really had the chance to chat with you off the pitch. It's been all about the competition. Anything interesting you're up to these days, besides soccer, of course?"

Alexia appreciated the attempt at small talk and decided to play along, realizing that this could be a chance to build a more cordial relationship with her rival. "Well," she replied, "when I'm not on the field or in rehab, I'm a bit of a bookworm. I love diving into a good novel. How about you? Any hobbies or interests outside of soccer?"

Amelia was pleasantly surprised by the response. She hadn't expected that Alexia had a softer side. "That's interesting," she typed, "I used to enjoy painting, but soccer kind of took over my life. Maybe I'll get back to it once I'm back on my feet."

The conversation continued, with the two soccer players cautiously exploring topics beyond the field. It was a small step toward a more friendly and less competitive relationship.

Amelia was beginning to feel more at ease with their conversation, and as the small talk continued, she decided to open up a bit more about herself. "You know," she typed, "back in school, I was a bit of a troublemaker. Always pushing boundaries, you know? That's actually how I met my ex-girlfriend."

She hesitated for a moment, feeling a twinge of vulnerability as she broached the topic of her abusive ex-girlfriend. But there was something about her conversation with Alexia that made her feel comfortable sharing.

Alexia's response was understanding and compassionate. "Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations we never expected," she replied. "It's important to learn from those experiences and grow stronger."

Amelia appreciated the supportive response. It felt good to talk to someone who wasn't judgmental and who could relate to the complexities of life beyond the soccer field. "Yeah," she typed, "I've definitely learned a lot. And I'm working on becoming a better version of myself every day."

Their conversation continued, delving into more personal topics and stories from their lives.

Amelia, ever mindful of potentially bothering her rival, felt compelled to apologize. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you or being annoying," she typed, a note of uncertainty in her message.

Alexia, who was genuinely enjoying the conversation, reassured her. "No need to apologize," she replied. "I'm just reading a book and it's nice to chat. So, tell me more about how you were a troublemaker in school. Any memorable stories?"

Amelia chuckled at the question, appreciating Alexia's interest in her past. "Oh, there's plenty," she began. "I used to sneak out of my dorm at night, pull pranks on teachers, and once I even organized a class-wide water balloon fight during a school assembly."

As she recounted her mischievous school days, a sense of nostalgia washed over her. It was a side of her past that she hadn't shared with many people, especially not her soccer rivals.

Alexia's reply was filled with curiosity. "Sounds like you were quite the troublemaker," she typed with a playful tone. "I can't imagine you orchestrating a water balloon fight during a school assembly."

Amelia laughed, and the conversation continued to flow, each message strengthening the bond they were building beyond the field.

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