Chapter 26: not taking the next step yet

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As the morning light filtered into the room, Alexia gradually woke up to the sensation of Amelia's gentle fingers tracing the tattoos on her arm. It sent shivers down her spine, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Amelia's affectionate actions continued as she leaned up and placed sweet kisses on the tattoos. Each kiss felt like a promise, deepening the connection between them. Alexia couldn't help but feel her heart swell with affection for this incredible woman who had become so important to her.

Alexia's fingers continued to work their magic on Amelia's back, but now she did so with a softer touch, knowing how much she cherished these moments of tenderness. When Amelia leaned in to rub her nose against Alexia's and placed a gentle kiss on her nose, it sent a rush of warmth through her.

Their connection was growing stronger by the day, and as their feelings for each other deepened, Alexia couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. But in that quiet, intimate moment, all that mattered was the love and affection they shared, promising to be there for each other every step of the way.

As Alexia carefully carried Amelia downstairs, their eyes remained locked, and an unspoken connection between them seemed to deepen with each passing moment. It felt like they were the only two people in the world, lost in the warmth of their shared affection.

Just as their lips were about to meet in a tender kiss, the sudden knocking on the door startled them both. They groaned in frustration, their moment of intimacy abruptly interrupted.

Alexia, with Amelia still wrapped around her like a koala bear, went to answer the door, a hint of annoyance evident in her expression. When she swung the door open, revealing Mapi and patri standing there, their eyes widened in surprise.

It was an awkward moment, frozen in time, as Mapi and patri processed the unexpected sight of Alexia and Amelia in such an intimate embrace. The atmosphere was charged with tension and confusion, leaving the four of them in a rather uncomfortable situation.

Alexia, trying to regain her composure and defuse the awkward situation, asked Mapi and patri, "What brings you two here?"

Mapi cleared her throat, her eyes darting between Alexia and the still-snuggling Amelia. "Uh, we wanted to check on how Amelia was doing after that game and... well, we didn't expect to walk into this."

Patri nodded in agreement, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "Yeah, it's a bit unexpected, but we just wanted to see how you guys were."

Amelia, her face still nestled in Alexia's neck, felt a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the situation. She whispered to Alexia, "Maybe we should explain?"

Alexia, feeling Amelia's warm breath against her neck, sighed and nodded. "I think that would be a good idea. Come on, let's sit down and talk." She led the way into the living room, with Mapi and patri following suit, and settled on the couch with Amelia still wrapped around her.

Alexia began to explain, her voice calm, "Well, you see, after Amelia got injured during the game, I've been helping her with her recovery. Her back and ribs are pretty sore, so I've been providing some comfort and support."

Mapi and patri exchanged glances, understanding dawning on their faces. "Oh," Mapi said, her tone softening. "That makes sense. We were just surprised to walk in on you two like this."

Patri nodded, her concern turning into relief. "Yeah, we were worried for a moment there."

Amelia, still snuggled into Alexia's neck, chimed in, her voice muffled, "I promise, it's not what it looks like. Alexia's just been really sweet and helping me through all of this."

Alexia kissed the top of Amelia's head, feeling grateful for her support. "Yeah, we're just friends, nothing more."

Mapi and patri relaxed a bit, the tension in the room dissipating. "Well, that's good to know," Mapi said with a small smile. "We're glad to see you're taking care of each other."

Patri added, "And Amelia, we hope you're feeling better soon."

Amelia smiled, her voice still muffled in Alexia's neck, "Thanks, guys. And sorry for the surprise."

With the misunderstanding cleared up, the four of them settled into a more relaxed conversation, discussing Amelia's recovery and future games.

As Mapi and patri left, Amelia finally lifted her head from Alexia's neck, and their eyes met. There was a moment of silent communication between them as they both knew that the "just friends" declaration wasn't entirely accurate. They had been growing closer during Amelia's recovery, and their feelings for each other had deepened.

Alexia continued to gently rub Amelia's hip, a reassuring touch that conveyed more than words ever could. She couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards Amelia, and it was clear that the feeling was mutual.

Amelia, her voice soft and vulnerable, broke the silence. "Alexia, I meant what I said. You've been amazing, helping me through all of this. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Alexia smiled warmly, her heart still aching with unspoken emotions. "I'm just glad I could be here for you, Amelia. You mean a lot to me."

Amelia's hand found Alexia's on her hip, their fingers interlocking, and she leaned in closer. "You mean a lot to me too, Alexia."

Their faces inched closer, the magnetic pull between them undeniable. But for now, they chose to stay in this delicate balance of friendship and something more, not quite ready to define their relationship, but unable to deny the undeniable connection they shared.

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