Chapter 19: alexia snuggles make everything better

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Alexia, Patri, and Mapi were spending a casual evening together, lounging in Alexia's living room. The atmosphere was relaxed, and they chatted about various topics when they heard the door open, and in walked Amelia. Her hair was a bit of a mess, and the weariness in her eyes was evident.

Without a word, Amelia made a beeline for Alexia, her expression seeking comfort. She practically jumped onto the couch and snuggled up to her friend. Alexia, well accustomed to their newfound closeness, welcomed Amelia's presence with open arms.

She wrapped an arm around Amelia, drawing her close, and began to rub soothing circles on her hip. With her free hand, she gently ran her fingers through Amelia's tousled hair, knowing that this simple gesture brought her comfort.

Mapi and Patri, sensing that Amelia had had a tough day, didn't ask any questions or intrude on the moment. They watched quietly from the other couch, offering support through their presence.

Amelia nestled into the embrace, feeling a sense of solace in the familiarity of Alexia's touch. It was moments like these, where words weren't needed, that truly showcased the depth of their friendship. With Alexia's comforting presence, Amelia could momentarily put aside her troubles and simply enjoy the warmth of her newfound friends.

As the evening wore on and it came time for Alexia to get up from the couch, she made a slow and careful attempt to rise. However, she quickly discovered that Amelia had latched onto her like a koala bear, unwilling to let go.

Amelia, in her half-asleep state, was nuzzling her face into Alexia's neck, purring contentedly. When Alexia tried to gently extricate herself, Amelia tightened her hold, making it clear she wasn't ready to let go of the comforting embrace.

Alexia sighed, realizing she was temporarily stuck. She carefully got up from the couch, bringing Amelia with her, and held her securely in her arms. Amelia continued to snuggle, her purring indicating that she was still in a peaceful slumber.

Mapi and Patri, observing this adorable scene, couldn't resist a bit of teasing. They exchanged amused glances and started to tease Alexia about her "sleeping koala" companion.

But Alexia, with a playful glare that meant business, silenced them immediately. She was determined to protect this newfound bond with Amelia, even if it meant enduring a little teasing from her friends.

As Amelia began to wake from her peaceful slumber, she found herself still securely wrapped in Alexia's arms. She shifted slightly and leaned up, her face drawing closer to Alexia's.

Their noses gently rubbed against each other in a sweet and affectionate gesture. It was a silent but meaningful way of expressing their closeness.

Amelia then nestled her face back into the crook of Alexia's neck, her voice soft and whispered. "You know, Alexia," she began, "it's been a tough day for me. Lots of pressure and expectations. But being here with you, it just makes everything better."

Alexia tightened her hold around Amelia, understanding the weight of the soccer world's demands and the stress it could bring. She ran her fingers through Amelia's hair, providing a reassuring presence. "I'm glad I can be here for you, Amelia. We've got each other's backs, no matter what."

Their bond, once forged on the soccer field as rivals, had now evolved into a friendship that provided support and comfort during the challenges they faced.

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