Chapter 38: this is much better than us being rivals

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After sharing a tender moment in the shower, Alexia and Amelia dried themselves off, taking turns to make sure they were completely dry. They exchanged playful glances, their comfort with each other evident in the way they teased and laughed, their connection stronger with each passing day.

Once they were dressed for training, Alexia and Amelia headed to the field together. Their teammates noticed the undeniable bond between them and couldn't help but smile at the couple who had gone from rivals to lovers. They couldn't have been happier for Alexia and Amelia, who had found something beautiful and meaningful in each other.

On the field, they trained together, passing the ball and working on their skills. They chatted between drills and shared inside jokes, making their training sessions not only productive but also a whole lot of fun.

"Amelia, remember that time in that away game in Madrid?" Alexia said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Amelia chuckled. "Oh, I remember! I scored that incredible goal, and you were so mad."

Alexia pretended to pout. "Well, it wasn't fair. You were just showing off."

The banter continued throughout training, and their connection grew stronger with every passing moment. As they left the pitch, arms wrapped around each other, they knew that this was the start of something beautiful, and they couldn't wait to see where life would take them next.

In the changing room, after an intense training session, Alexia and Amelia decided to take a shower together. They were both sweating profusely, and the cool water felt refreshing as it washed away the grime and exhaustion.

Standing under the showerhead, the water cascading over them, they talked about everything and nothing.

Amelia, her dark hair soaked and clinging to her skin, couldn't help but laugh. "You know, this is a pretty drastic change from our days of being rivals, isn't it?"

Alexia, her features softened by the water's embrace, nodded. "Yeah, it is. But it's the best change, Amelia."

They exchanged a warm smile, and for a moment, the world around them faded away. It was just the two of them in the here and now, and they felt more connected than ever.

As the water continued to pour down, they spoke about their aspirations, dreams, and even shared some lighthearted stories from their careers. It was in these unguarded moments that they discovered the depth of their connection, a connection that had transformed from rivalry into something beautiful and profound.

By the time they finished showering and left the changing room, they were closer than ever, looking forward to more shared experiences and a future together.

After Alexia and Amelia had finished their shower and were getting dressed in the changing room, they were suddenly aware of someone's presence. Turning to look, they saw their teammate, Jenni, leaning against the wall with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Enjoying the view, Jenni?" Alexia teased, her confidence unwavering.

Amelia, however, was less amused by the intrusion and let out a low growl, her protective instincts kicking in.

Jenni chuckled, clearly entertained by their reactions. "You two make quite a pair, I must say."

Alexia, feeling playful and protective of Amelia, put an arm around her. "Yep, that's us. The dynamic duo."

Amelia, still a bit annoyed by the interruption, added, "And if anyone messes with our duo, they'll regret it."

Jenni laughed and threw her hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I won't mess with the two of you. Just remember, the world can't handle that much power in one team."

With a final laugh, Jenni gave them a wink and exited the changing room. As the door closed behind her, Alexia and Amelia exchanged a knowing look. No matter what came their way, they were ready to face it together, as the formidable duo they had become.

After a long, exhausting day of training, Amelia and Alexia returned to their shared home, looking forward to a peaceful evening. As Alexia prepared to unwind, she put on a movie they both enjoyed and settled onto the couch, leaving a space for Amelia. She opened her arms, inviting her girlfriend to nestle on her chest.

Amelia didn't need a second invitation. She gratefully sank into the comfortable warmth of Alexia's embrace, nuzzling her face in the crook of her neck. As Nala, their furry companion, jumped up on the couch, the three of them snuggled close, creating a cozy and contented atmosphere.

The movie played on the screen, but the focus was on the tranquility of their shared space. With the comfort of their love and the soothing presence of Nala, the world outside seemed to disappear, leaving just the warmth of the moment they cherished.

In the Shadow of the Rivalry: Love and  Ambition on the PitchDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora