Chapter 6: after game

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Alexia hobbled down to the changing room, hearing the raised voices and arguments echoing from within. The tension in the air was palpable, and she knew something was amiss. As she entered, her presence went unnoticed amidst the commotion.

Amelia was at the center of it all, her frustration boiling over as she angrily threw her jersey and wrist tape into her locker. She was in a heated argument with Mapi, the exchange filled with tension. Neither of them noticed Alexia's entrance.

Finally, Amelia picked up her backpack, her face a mixture of anger and exhaustion, and without another word, she left the changing room, feeling outnumbered and ganged up on.

Alexia let out a sigh and hobbled over to the bench in the hallway, her own body exhausted from the day's events. She watched Amelia's departure, pondering the complicated dynamics that had unfolded within the team.

In the locker room, Mapi turned to Alexia, her expression still filled with frustration. She explained the argument with Amelia, emphasizing how Amelia's struggles on the pitch had started to impact the team's performance. "Maybe she's not as good as she thinks she is," Mapi said, her tone laced with concern.

Meanwhile, in a completely different setting, Amelia attended her first press conference as a Barcelona player. The journalists fired a barrage of questions at her, overwhelming her with the intensity of their curiosity. As they probed for answers about her performance, her thoughts on the team, and her rivalry with Alexia, Amelia's frustration grew. She lashed out at the journalists, her anger and exhaustion evident in her responses, leaving the press conference in disarray. The scrutiny and pressure of her new role were taking a toll on her, and she was struggling to find her footing in the Barcelona spotlight.

Amelia couldn't escape the fallout from her press conference. She scrolled through the posts and comments online, each one more hurtful and mean than the last. The criticism about her performance and her responses to the journalists stung deeply. The harsh words from fans and critics weighed on her, adding to the mounting pressure she was already feeling.

Meanwhile, Alexia had been spending time with Mapi and Patri, discussing the events of the day. Mapi didn't mince words as she talked to Alexia. "Amelia had a really rough game today," she said, her tone serious. "She was sloppy, missed all of her chances, and it's starting to affect the team's performance."

Alexia listened attentively, her concern for the team's performance growing. The rivalry with Amelia was one thing, but she knew that ultimately, the team's success came first. The challenges they were facing, both on and off the pitch, were complex, and finding a way to navigate them would require teamwork and understanding from everyone involved.

As the tension within the team continued to simmer, Alexia couldn't help but wonder how they could bridge the gap and find a way to work together effectively, even with the rivalry between her and Amelia.

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