Chapter 46: you guys will make great parents

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The training facility was buzzing with activity as athletes prepared for another rigorous day of practice. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Alexia found a quiet moment to speak with her teammate, Mapi.

"Hey, Mapi, can I talk to you for a moment?" Alexia asked, pulling Mapi aside.

"Sure, what's up?" Mapi replied, glancing over her shoulder at the bustling training grounds.

Alexia's gaze followed Mapi's to where Amelia was doing her warm-up drills. She was running with exceptional energy and determination, each step propelling her further toward her goals. It was a sight that Alexia never grew tired of witnessing.

"I wanted to ask your opinion on something," Alexia began. "Amelia and I have been talking about adopting a child. We're both excited about the idea of starting a family together."

Mapi turned her full attention to Alexia, her expression one of genuine interest. "That's wonderful, Alexia. I can see how much you two care for each other, and I'm sure you'd be fantastic parents. Adoption is a beautiful way to expand your family."

Alexia nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "That's what we believe too. We've got a lot of love to give, and we want to share it with a child who needs a loving home. But there's so much to consider, and we're both athletes with demanding schedules."

Mapi understood the challenges athletes faced. "It's true; training and competitions take up a lot of your time. But you're both strong, determined women, and I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work. Your love for each other and your future child will drive you to find a balance that suits your family."

Alexia's eyes wandered back to Amelia, who was now engaged in a spirited sprint. Her heart swelled with pride for her girlfriend's unwavering dedication. "Amelia's passion and determination inspire me every day. She's going to be an amazing mother. We're just not sure where to begin this journey."

Mapi offered a reassuring smile. "Starting the adoption process can seem overwhelming, but there are many organizations and professionals who can guide you through it. I've heard there are even support groups for athletes who've adopted or fostered children. You won't be alone on this path."

As Alexia watched Amelia reach the finish line, she felt a renewed sense of determination. "Thank you, Mapi. Your support means a lot. We've got a long road ahead, both in our athletic careers and in building a family. But with love, dedication, and the support of friends like you, I'm confident we can overcome any challenges that come our way."

Mapi patted Alexia on the back and nodded. "I believe in you both. And whenever you need advice, a helping hand, or just a friendly ear to listen, I'm here for you. You and Amelia will make fantastic parents."

With that encouragement, Alexia turned her focus back to the training grounds, where Amelia was already gearing up for another set of drills. The future held new challenges and opportunities, but with the love they shared, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

In the Shadow of the Rivalry: Love and  Ambition on the PitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora