Chapter 39: I'll protect you from the media

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After a stellar performance on the field, Amelia faced yet another barrage of questions from the media during the press conference. They probed into her personal life, trying to unearth anything that could tarnish her character. The persistent and invasive questioning left her visibly upset and close to tears.

As the press conference concluded, Alexia, who had been watching the ordeal on TV in the changing room, couldn't bear to see Amelia's distress any longer. She quickly made her way to the field, finding Amelia, who was clearly shaken by the onslaught of questions and malicious rumors.

With a protective yet tender embrace, Alexia lifted Amelia up and held her close, her touch offering a sense of security and comfort. The situation had taken an emotional toll on her girlfriend, and Alexia whispered soothing words to reassure her. Jenni, a supportive teammate and friend, joined them, trying to help soothe Amelia as well.

The rest of their team looked on, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and anger at the media's relentless pursuit of scandal. They all shared in the pain of witnessing Amelia's tears. In that moment, the team came together to protect and comfort one of their own, vowing to stand by her side in the face of such unwarranted hostility.

Amelia's sobs filled the air as she tried to speak between her tears. Her voice quivered as she said, "I can't take this anymore, Alexia. It's like they're trying to break me, tear me apart, and I don't know how much more of this I can handle."

Alexia held her even tighter, her own eyes glistening with a mix of anger and sadness at the torment Amelia was enduring. She continued to whisper comforting words into Amelia's ear, her voice steady and soothing. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here for you. They can say whatever they want, but it doesn't define who you are. You're strong, and we'll get through this together."

Amelia nestled her face deeper into the crook of Alexia's neck, allowing her girlfriend's warmth and words to wash over her. She felt safe in Alexia's embrace, and slowly, her sobs began to subside. The support of her team and especially the love of Alexia was a soothing balm to her wounded soul.

As the tumultuous emotions settled, Amelia clung to Alexia as if she were her lifeline, and Alexia vowed silently to protect her from the storms of life, no matter what it took.

Alexia held Amelia's tear-streaked face, her eyes locked with Amelia's. "Amelia, you don't have to go through this alone. I promise you, I'll do everything I can to shield you from the media storm. They're just words; they can't break you."

With great care, she led Amelia to the changing room. Inside, she helped her undress, supporting her when her legs wobbled with emotional exhaustion. The showers were warm and soothing as they washed away not just the sweat from the game but the emotional turmoil that had gripped Amelia.

Gentle and comforting, Alexia helped her girlfriend out of the shower, and they exchanged damp towels for dry ones. Alexia selected soft, comfortable clothes for Amelia to wear, ensuring she felt relaxed.

Once Amelia was dressed, Alexia took her hand and led her out of the stadium. She shielded her from prying eyes and reporters who had gathered, guiding her safely to the car. Their hands remained tightly entwined as they left, heading toward the refuge of home. In the car, Alexia placed a reassuring kiss on Amelia's forehead, promising to protect her from the world outside.

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