Chapter 12: really alba she didn't need to know that

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The next day, Alexia found herself taking a break from her book and couldn't help but think about her recent conversations with Amelia. She realized she hadn't heard from her rival all day, and a sense of curiosity and concern began to creep in.

She decided to send a text to Amelia, feeling a bit anxious. "Hey Amelia, how's everything going? Haven't heard from you all day."

As she hit send, Alexia couldn't help but wonder if something had happened or if Amelia was just busy with her own recovery and life.

A short while later, Amelia's response came through, and it seemed she had a bit of teasing in mind. "Oh, I heard an interesting tidbit from your sister, Alexia," she typed. "Something about you being scared of the dark and sleeping with a giant teddy bear? 😂"

Alexia's eyes widened as she read the message, her cheeks reddening slightly. She couldn't believe that her sister had shared such a childhood secret with Amelia. She quickly texted her sister, her message filled with annoyance, "Alba, seriously? Why would you tell her that?"

Amelia, on the other end of the conversation, couldn't help but chuckle at the revelation. "Don't worry, we all have our quirks," she replied to Alexia. "I won't judge."

Their playful banter continued, with Alexia now sharing a bit of her childhood memories and quirks with her rival.

Alexia, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, responded to Amelia's teasing message, attempting to downplay her sister's revelations. "Haha, well, I guess everyone has their quirks, right? Who doesn't love a good teddy bear for comfort?"

She hoped her response would help steer the conversation away from her childhood fears, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder what other amusing tidbits her sister might have shared with Amelia.

Amelia, clearly not satisfied with Alexia's attempt to downplay her sister's revelations, decided to turn the tables with a teasing message of her own. "Oh, come on, Alexia! You can't just brush this off. Alba also mentioned that you used to wear mismatched socks to school on purpose because you thought it was cool. 😆"

As Alexia read the message, her eyes widened, and her face turned a shade of red that matched her embarrassment. She couldn't believe that her sister had shared such embarrassing details about her. With an exasperated sigh, she dropped her phone onto her bed, groaning loudly.

It seemed that Amelia was determined to have a bit of fun at Alexia's expense, and the playful banter continued, with each message revealing more amusing and endearing quirks from their respective pasts.

Amelia couldn't help but burst into laughter at the thought of Alexia wearing mismatched socks on purpose. Her laughter came through in her response as she typed, "Okay, that's just too cute, Alexia! Mismatched socks for style, huh? 😂"

Alexia, now fully embracing the playful banter, replied with a grin, "Hey, we all had our 'cool' phases in school, right? I'll definitely have a talk with my sister later for spilling all these embarrassing secrets."

Their conversation had taken a delightful turn, and it seemed that sharing these humorous anecdotes from their pasts was bringing them closer together.

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