Chapter 7: i'm all ears

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Amelia's phone vibrated as she was on her way to training, and she pulled it out to check the message. It was from her ex-girlfriend, a name that stirred both old memories and complicated emotions. She quickly replied with a short message, trying to put it out of her mind, but it had already cast a shadow over her day.

The training session itself was challenging. Amelia's focus was scattered, and she couldn't seem to find the rhythm she needed to score. Frustration mounted as Mapi and she engaged in a heated argument. Their voices rose, echoing across the training pitch.

Amelia, growing exhausted and overwhelmed, turned away from the argument, wiping the sweat from her face. She decided to take a brief break, sitting down on the grass to catch her breath. Her body ached, and she felt a mixture of exhaustion and frustration.

Mapi, however, wasn't having it. She yelled at Amelia to get back up and continue training. The tension was palpable, and it seemed like everything was spiraling out of control.

That's when Alexia stepped in, a calming presence amidst the chaos. "Alright, everyone, let's take a breather," she said firmly, her experience and leadership shining through. The arguing subsided as they turned their attention to her.

Patri knelt beside Amelia, gently rubbing her back to offer comfort and support. The physical and emotional strain was taking its toll on her.

Alexia, looking down at Amelia, felt a twinge of sympathy. Despite their rivalry, she recognized the physical and emotional challenges of professional soccer. "Take your time, Amelia," she said in a softer tone. "We're here to work together, and we need everyone at their best."

Amelia nodded weakly, still catching her breath. In that moment, as Alexia offered a moment of understanding, the rivalry between them seemed to momentarily fade, replaced by a shared understanding of the demands of the game and the need for support among teammates, even if they were also competitors.

Amelia sat in the shower, the hot water soothing her sore muscles. She couldn't help but groan at how exhausted her body felt after that grueling training session. The physical and emotional strain had taken its toll, and she needed a moment of respite.

Outside the shower, Mapi had been snooping through Amelia's stuff, a curious expression on her face. She couldn't resist the temptation to peek at Amelia's phone when she noticed it. She quickly found the message from Amelia's ex-girlfriend and showed it to patri with a smirk.

As Amelia stepped out of the shower, she saw Mapi holding her phone and her face turned into a scowl. "Give me that!" she snapped, snatching her phone back and quickly reading the message.

Alexia, having overheard the conversation, looked at Amelia with sympathy. "Is everything okay?" she asked softly.

Amelia sighed, her defenses momentarily down. "My ex-girlfriend," she explained, "she was... abusive and mean. I thought I'd moved on, but seeing that message just brought back memories I'd rather forget."

Alexia nodded in understanding, her competitive spirit taking a back seat to human empathy. She could see the pain in Amelia's eyes. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," she said sincerely.

Mapi, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, tried to lighten the mood with a grin. "Well, aren't we all just one big, dysfunctional family?" she said, trying to make a joke.

But Alexia wasn't in the mood for jokes. She smacked Mapi on the back of the head, scolding her, "That was stupid, Mapi. Show some respect."

Mapi rubbed the back of her head, chastened by the rebuke. She realized that sometimes there were moments when rivalry should take a back seat to being decent human beings.

Alexia's scolding of Mapi was firm but necessary. She knew that sometimes their competitive nature could lead to insensitivity, but there were moments when it was crucial to show respect and understanding. Mapi, now humbled, nodded in acknowledgment, realizing her mistake.

Meanwhile, Amelia, still emotionally shaken from the memories of her abusive ex-girlfriend, sought solace in a bottle of alcohol. She sat in her room, taking a swig, trying to drown out the painful thoughts.

As the alcohol took effect, Amelia's decision-making became less restrained. She picked up her phone and, with a sense of drunken impulsivity, initiated a video call on Instagram to Alexia. She needed someone to talk to, even if it was her rival.

To her surprise, Alexia answered the call. Her face appeared on Amelia's screen, and it was clear that she hadn't expected this call either. Amelia's voice was slurred as she said, "Alexia... I'm sorry about earlier. And thanks for, you know, not being a total jerk about the message."

Alexia was taken aback but remained composed. "Amelia, are you okay?" she asked, genuine concern in her voice. She could see that Amelia was not in a good state.

Amelia took another swig of her drink, sighing heavily. "No, I'm not really okay," she admitted, her vulnerability shining through her drunkenness. "I just... I needed someone to talk to."

The unexpected conversation between rivals took a surprisingly sincere turn. Alexia realized that beneath the competition, they were both human beings dealing with their own struggles and pain.

Alexia, despite the rivalry that had defined their relationship, recognized the genuine pain and vulnerability in Amelia's voice. She decided to set aside the competition and be there for her rival in this moment of need.

"I'm here to listen," Alexia said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears."

Amelia hesitated for a moment, the alcohol and emotions making her words come out in a jumbled mess. But slowly, she began to open up about the hurtful memories of her abusive ex-girlfriend. She shared the pain, the fear, and the lasting impact it had left on her.

As Amelia spoke, Alexia listened attentively, offering words of support and understanding. She encouraged Amelia to vent, knowing that sometimes, simply talking about difficult experiences could be therapeutic.

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