Chapter 9: small talk

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Alexia frowned as she watched Amelia continue to sob, her heart aching for her injured rival. She had tried to offer words of comfort, but it seemed that Amelia's emotional pain ran deep, and Alexia wasn't sure how to ease it.

She moved closer to Amelia, sitting down beside her on the bench. Placing a hand gently on her back, Alexia spoke softly, "Amelia, it's okay to cry. Sometimes it helps to let it out."

Amelia's sobs continued, and she buried her face in her hands. It was clear that the physical pain of her injured ankle was compounded by emotional turmoil, and Alexia wanted to be there for her, even if it meant offering silent support.

As the moments passed, Alexia remained by Amelia's side, her presence a quiet but reassuring one.

Amelia's sobs gradually subsided, and the emotional and physical exhaustion began to take its toll on her. Her body grew heavy, and she slumped against Alexia's shoulder, finally finding a moment of respite from the overwhelming pain and sadness.

Alexia, her frown deepening, carefully supported Amelia as she passed out from sheer exhaustion. She cradled her injured rival's head against her shoulder, her own injured leg throbbing with discomfort.

As Alexia held Amelia, Mapi and Patri quietly entered the room. They exchanged concerned glances and approached Alexia, their voices hushed.

"Is she okay?" Mapi asked, her tough exterior softening with genuine concern.

Alexia nodded, her voice just above a whisper. "She's exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The injury hit her hard."

Patri reached out and gently placed a hand on Amelia's forehead, checking her temperature. "We should get her some medical attention and let her rest," she suggested.

Alexia agreed, realizing that they needed to take care of their teammate. Despite their rivalry, the bonds of their team and the understanding among athletes compelled them to support each other in times of need.

Together, they carefully lifted Amelia and began to make arrangements for her medical care and a place where she could rest and recover.

The team's physical therapist, after examining Amelia's injured ankle and assessing her overall condition, turned to Alexia with a serious expression. "Amelia needs a lot of rest for that ankle, and her body is exhausted. We'll have to keep a close eye on her."

Alexia nodded in understanding, her concern for her injured rival deepening. She turned her attention to Amelia, who was slowly starting to awaken. Her voice was hoarse, and her throat dry from crying.

"Hey," Alexia said softly, offering a reassuring smile. "You're going to be alright. The therapist said you need lots of rest, so you'll be back on your feet in no time."

Amelia, her eyes still heavy with fatigue, managed a weak smile in response. She appreciated Alexia's words, even in the midst of their complicated relationship. "Thanks," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Alexia reached for a glass of water on a nearby table and handed it to Amelia. "Here, take a sip. It'll help with the dry throat."

As Amelia slowly sipped the water, a sense of mutual understanding seemed to grow between them. Despite the rivalry that had defined their relationship, they were both athletes who knew the importance of support and recovery.

In the Shadow of the Rivalry: Love and  Ambition on the PitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora