Chapter 25: stronger growing feelings

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As the sweat dripped down her brow during training, Alexia couldn't help but be consumed by her newfound feelings for Amelia. It was a complex mix of emotions, and she needed someone to talk to about it. Mapi had been through a similar experience, so she decided to confide in her teammate.

After a particularly intense drill, Alexia approached Mapi, her breath heavy and her heart racing. She looked at her friend with a mix of vulnerability and curiosity.

"Mapi," she began, "do you remember when you started having feelings for Patri? How did you know?"

Mapi, who had been through her own journey of falling in love with a teammate, could sense the sincerity in Alexia's question. She wiped the sweat from her brow and leaned in, speaking softly so only Alexia could hear.

"Well," Mapi started, "it's different for everyone, but I knew when I couldn't stop thinking about her, when I wanted to be there for her no matter what, and when I felt this warmth in my chest every time we were together."

Alexia nodded, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. She had been experiencing those same feelings with Amelia—the constant thoughts, the desire to be by her side, and the warmth that enveloped her when they were close.

As the training session continued, Alexia couldn't help but reflect on her growing affection for Amelia. She knew that acknowledging these feelings was just the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, one filled with uncertainties and possibilities.

As Alexia drove back to her house after training, her thoughts were consumed by Amelia. The realization that she had developed feelings for her friend had opened up a floodgate of emotions. She couldn't help but think about all the things she liked about Amelia.

With every mile that passed, Alexia's mind wandered to the moments they had shared—the way Amelia's smile could light up a room, the sound of her laughter that was like music to her ears, and the genuine kindness and warmth that radiated from her.

She thought about how they could talk for hours, about anything and everything, and how Amelia had become a confidante, someone she could share her hopes, fears, and dreams with. There was a comfort in being around her, a feeling of being understood and accepted.

Alexia also couldn't deny the physical attraction she felt toward Amelia—the way her heart would race when their eyes locked, the electricity of their accidental touches, and the desire to be close, to hold her, to protect her.

But as she pulled into her driveway and approached her front door, Alexia knew that these feelings came with a level of complexity. She cared deeply for Amelia, and the prospect of their relationship changing was both thrilling and intimidating.

Stepping inside her house, Alexia took a deep breath, knowing that her journey with Amelia was just beginning. She was determined to navigate these uncharted waters with care, for she cherished their friendship and didn't want to jeopardize it.

Alexia couldn't help but smile when she saw Amelia peacefully sleeping on the couch with Mr. Cuddles by her side. It was a heartwarming sight that eased the tensions she had been feeling about her newfound feelings.

She quietly closed the front door and approached the couch, kneeling down in front of Amelia. Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from Amelia's face and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. It was an affectionate gesture, one she hoped conveyed her care and concern.

Afterward, Alexia decided it was time for her to take a shower. She needed to freshen up after her grueling training session, but her thoughts continued to linger on Amelia. As the warm water cascaded over her, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Their connection had deepened, and she was eager to explore where it might lead, all while treasuring the friendship they had built.

After her refreshing shower, Alexia slipped into a comfortable hoodie and boxer shorts. Her thoughts were still consumed by Amelia, and she couldn't resist the urge to check on her. Quietly, she returned to the living room and saw that Amelia had just started to stir.

Amelia's sleepy eyes opened, and when she saw it was Alexia, a contented smile played on her lips. She nuzzled her face into Alexia's neck as she was carefully lifted and carried to the bed. Once they were settled on the bed, Alexia wrapped her arms around Amelia and pulled her close.

As Alexia began to gently massage Amelia's bruised back, she couldn't help but feel a warmth growing inside her. She cherished these moments, where she could offer comfort and care to Amelia. Her feelings for Amelia were deepening, and she couldn't deny the affection that had taken root in her heart.

Kissing Amelia's forehead, Alexia whispered soothing words, her heart beating steadily as she held the sleeping woman in her arms. She knew that their journey was just beginning, and she was determined to be there for Amelia every step of the way.

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