Chapter 14: invitation 

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Amelia returned to training, feeling refreshed after her visit to Alexia's house and their playful banter. As she chatted with Patri and laughed, she couldn't help but glance over as Alexia hobbled into the training session on her crutches.

Their eyes met, and Alexia blushed as she saw Amelia. It was still a bit unusual for them to see each other outside of the soccer field, but the encounter had become more frequent in recent days. As Amelia walked by her, she couldn't resist leaning in and whispering with a mischievous grin, "Hey there, Mr. Cuddles."

Alexia gasped in surprise, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. She playfully slapped Amelia's arm, unable to hold back a shy smile. "You're relentless," she teased.

Amelia chuckled and continued on her way, leaving Alexia to catch her breath and regain her composure. Their playful exchange was a reminder of the connection they were forming, one that was slowly evolving from rivalry to friendship.

Amelia had put in a grueling training session, and she was feeling sweaty and tired as she looked up from the pitch. Her gaze fell on Alexia, who was making strides in her recovery from injury. Seeing her rival's determination to return to the field was both inspiring and motivating.

With a playful spirit, Amelia crawled over to where Alexia was running, and as she reached her, she couldn't help but grin up at her. "You're making an impressive comeback, Alexia," she complimented.

Alexia, in the midst of her own workout, flashed a playful smirk at Amelia. "Well, Mr. Cuddles isn't here to help you through this tough training," she teased.

Amelia groaned dramatically and flopped onto the grass, her body sore and exhausted. "Don't remind me," she muttered, playfully burying her face in the green blades. Despite the physical toll of training, she couldn't help but enjoy the friendly banter with her rival-turned-friend.

Amelia, drenched in sweat and still feeling the exhaustion from training, made her way back to the changing room. She was looking forward to a shower and some well-deserved rest. As she began to change, Patri approached her with an invitation.

"Hey, Amelia," Patri said with a warm smile, "we're having a team bonding night at my house. Would you like to join us? It's going to be a fun way to relax and bond with the team."

Amelia considered the invitation and nodded with enthusiasm. "Sounds great, Patri! I'd love to be there."

Just as Amelia was about to finish getting changed, Alexia returned to the changing room, still in a playful mood from their earlier banter. She couldn't resist teasing Amelia one more time. "So, Mr. Cuddles, you're in for a team bonding night, huh? I hope you can keep up!"

Amelia rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Oh, you just can't let that go, can you since I teased you about it?"she said with a grin. "I'll be there, and I'll show you who's boss on and off the field, Alexia."

Their playful exchange continued, and it was clear that their friendly rivalry had evolved into a genuine camaraderie that extended beyond soccer.

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