Chapter 37: as long as we are together

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Amelia: breathing heavily "You know, babe, I think breakfast might be getting cold down there in the kitchen. But hey, at least we've worked up an appetite, right?"

Alexia: chuckles "You have a point. We'll get to that... eventually."

Amelia: gently taking Alexia's hand and placing it over her heart "You see, Alexia? This is my heart, and you've got it right here in your hand. You're a part of me now, and I love you so much."

Alexia: smiling warmly "I love you too, Amelia. And you've got my heart right here as well." she places her hand on Amelia's chest, over her heart

Amelia: "What do you think we'll do once we're done playing for Barcelona?"

Alexia: thoughtfully "Hmm, well, I've always loved soccer, and I could see myself coaching or maybe even doing some sports commentary. But what's most important to me is that we'll still be together, no matter what we choose to do."

Amelia: nuzzling into Alexia's neck "Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't know what the future holds, but as long as I have you by my side, I'm ready for anything."

They continued to talk and plan their future, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that their love would guide them through whatever life had in store.

As Amelia's gentle snores provided a soothing soundtrack to the moment, Alexia couldn't help but reflect on the journey they had taken. It was almost surreal to think that her once fiercest rival on the pitch had become the love of her life, nestled comfortably in her arms.

Just as her thoughts drifted, Alexia's phone rang, and she saw Alba's name flashing on the screen. She answered the call, and Alba wasted no time in teasing her.

Alba: chuckling "Alexia, sweetheart, what's keeping you so busy that you're not answering your phone?"

Alexia: smirking "Oh, I was just a bit preoccupied."

Alba: teasing "Preoccupied? With what, or should I say with whom?"

Alexia: rolling her eyes "You're not getting anything out of me, Alba. I'll talk to you later."

She quickly hung up the call, eager to return to the blissful moment with Amelia. Resuming her loving ministrations on Amelia's back, Alexia couldn't help but smile as Amelia purred contentedly, feeling the warmth and love radiating between them.

As the soft rhythm of Amelia's snoring and Alexia's heartbeat filled the room, they knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be – together.

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