Chapter 20: staying the night

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Over the next couple of days, Amelia couldn't contain her excitement about her new addition to the family. She decided to video call Alexia to share the news.

As the call connected, Alexia's face appeared on the screen. Before Amelia could even say a word, her new pug puppy enthusiastically entered the frame, and Nala, Alexia's dog, eagerly licked the screen in greeting.

Amelia laughed at the adorable interaction. "Alexia, meet my new little pug his name is Cam!" She proudly held the wriggling puppy up to the camera, giving Alexia a close-up view.

Alexia's eyes lit up with delight as she saw the tiny pug. "Oh, wow, Amelia! Your new puppy is adorable!" She chuckled as Nala continued to investigate the screen. "Nala seems to approve too!"

Amelia grinned, her heart warmed by Alexia's enthusiastic reaction. "Thanks, Alexia. I thought they should meet virtually before they get to know each other in person."

Their video call continued as they discussed the joys and challenges of puppy ownership, sharing stories and tips.

The tension was palpable as Amelia and her team prepared to face her former teammates. The nerves had set in, and as the game was about to start, she found herself saying a silent prayer for strength and composure.

In the tunnel, Amelia's anxiety was evident as she looked across at the faces of her former teammates. It was a strange mix of emotions – nostalgia, excitement, and a good dose of nervousness. But as she felt Alexia's comforting presence behind her, gently rubbing circles on her hip and running a hand soothingly down her back, a sense of calm began to wash over her. She leaned into Alexia's touch, feeling the reassuring warmth.

As they walked out onto the pitch, the anticipation in the air was electric. Alexia took a seat on the bench, her return from injury imminent, and watched intently as the game unfolded. It was intense, physical, and fiercely competitive, as expected from a clash between two top teams.

Then, a pivotal moment arrived. Amelia got tackled hard in the box, and the referee had no choice but to award a penalty kick. As Mapi and Patri helped her up, Amelia took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. With unwavering focus, she stepped up to take the penalty, launching the ball into the net with precision.

With the crowd erupting in cheers, Amelia couldn't contain her joy. She sprinted toward the bench, where Alexia was waiting. Jumping into Alexia's arms, they celebrated the goal together, their bond stronger than ever, and their friendship shining brightly on the field.

After finishing her post-game interview, Amelia felt utterly drained and exhausted. She returned to the changing room, her body drenched in sweat from the intense match. To her surprise and immense relief, she found Alexia sitting right next to her locker.

Without hesitation, Amelia walked over to Alexia and practically collapsed into her, too tired to even stand. Alexia's strong and comforting presence was like a lifeline, and she instinctively began rubbing soothing circles on Amelia's hip and running her fingers through her hair.

Amelia let out a contented sigh, feeling the exhaustion wash over her. She murmured softly, "I can finally rest now."

Their teammates, noticing the intimate and caring gesture between the two former rivals, couldn't help but stare. However, none of them dared to say a word, as Alexia's glare made it clear that this moment was not to be interrupted.

In that quiet corner of the changing room, Alexia and Amelia shared a bond that had evolved from rivalry to friendship, and now it was clear that their support for each other extended far beyond the soccer field.

As the minutes passed, Alexia continued to hold Amelia close, her fingers moving in gentle circles on her hip. Her other hand remained entangled in Amelia's hair, the soothing sensation eliciting contented purrs from her friend, who had succumbed to exhaustion.

In this quiet, intimate moment, Alexia couldn't resist the urge to whisper softly into Amelia's ear. "You did amazing out there, Amelia," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I'm so proud of you."

Her words were a testament to the deep respect and camaraderie that had blossomed between them. They had once been rivals, competing fiercely on the soccer field, but now they were friends who supported each other, sharing victories and comforting each other in moments of fatigue and vulnerability.

Alexia carefully carried Amelia to her car, her friend still clearly exhausted from the game. As they settled into the car, Amelia mustered the energy to make a soft request. "Can I stay the night at your place?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Alexia smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course, Amelia. You're welcome anytime."

Upon arriving at her house, Alexia gently carried Amelia inside, cradling her like a precious cargo. She laid her on the couch and snuggled up beside her, mindful of Amelia's soreness.

Amelia couldn't help but groan and whimper from the aches and fatigue, but Alexia's touch was a balm to her weary body. Alexia continued to rub soothing circles on her hip and run her fingers through her hair, knowing how comforting these gestures were to her friend.

As Amelia gradually drifted off to sleep, purring contentedly, Alexia kissed her forehead with tenderness. She kept whispering soft words of comfort in Amelia's ear, feeling a profound sense of closeness and care for her friend. As Amelia nuzzled deeper into the crook of Alexia's neck, their bond grew stronger, transcending the boundaries of rivalry and blossoming into a deep and enduring friendship.

In the Shadow of the Rivalry: Love and  Ambition on the PitchWhere stories live. Discover now