Chapter 41: the next morning

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Alexia's eyes fluttered open as the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains. She turned onto her side, her lips grazing Amelia's bare back as she planted a soft kiss. Nala, Alexia cute dog, was nestled on Amelia's chest, her tail wagging lazily.

The touch of Alexia's lips roused Amelia from her slumber. She let out a contented sigh, snuggling into the warmth of the embrace. Her fingers gently traced patterns on Nala's furry back.

Just as they were about to drift back to sleep, Alexia's phone chimed, indicating an incoming FaceTime call. With a grin, she reached for her phone and accepted the call. Alba's face appeared on the screen.

"Good morning, you two lovebirds," Alba teased with a mischievous smile. "How was your night?"

Amelia blushed, but Alexia didn't miss a beat. "It was absolutely perfect," she replied, her voice filled with affection. "We're just having a cozy morning together."

Nala, in response to the voices, stretched and shifted her position, snuggling even deeper into Amelia's chest. She seemed determined to be part of their affectionate moment.

Alba chuckled. "Well, I won't keep you from your morning cuddles any longer. But I must say, you two are adorable together. Enjoy your day, lovebirds."

As Alba signed off, Alexia placed her phone back on the nightstand. With a smile, she resumed her tender kisses on Amelia's back. They lay there, wrapped in each other's love and the morning's gentle embrace, cherishing the moments they had together.

Alexia slipped on her running shoes and headed out for her morning jog. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, and the rhythmic sound of her sneakers hitting the pavement matched the rhythm of her thoughts.

With every step, she thought about Amelia and their future together. The bond they had formed was unlike anything Alexia had ever experienced. It was more profound and meaningful than any victory on the soccer field. She knew that, together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

During her run, Alexia's mind often drifted to her phone's Home Screen. There, she had set a photo of her and Amelia, a captured moment of joy and intimacy. It was a constant reminder of the love they shared, and each time she glanced at it, her heart swelled with warmth.

At one point during her run, Alexia paused under a streetlight and took a moment to catch her breath. She reached into her pocket and retrieved her phone, looking at the picture of her and Amelia. With a tender smile, she kissed the screen, feeling a connection to Amelia even when they were apart.

As she continued her run, thoughts of their future together filled her mind. She envisioned more shared moments, both on and off the soccer field. With determination, she pushed forward, confident that whatever lay ahead, they would face it as a team, as partners, and as lovers.

Alexia completed her run with renewed energy, her heart and mind set on building a bright future with Amelia.

After her invigorating morning run, Alexia returned home, and the familiar sight of Amelia in bed brought a smile to her face. Nala had made herself comfortable between them, but Alexia gently nudged her to one side and slipped back into bed.

Amelia greeted her with a warm and affectionate kiss, which was met with equal ardor from Alexia. Their lips met, and it felt like an electric charge running through their bodies, a testament to the intense connection they shared.

Amelia's fingers traced the intricate tattoos on Alexia's back. Each design held a story, and Amelia had become intimately familiar with each one. As their hands explored each other's bodies, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They spoke about life, dreams, and their shared future.

Alexia and Amelia weren't just soccer stars. They were individuals with passions, aspirations, and a deep desire to make a difference beyond the field. The trust and love they shared extended beyond their physical connection; it was in their shared ambitions, goals, and their dedication to making a meaningful impact on the world.

As they continued to talk, their connection grew even stronger. Their laughter filled the room, and the love they shared was palpable. Together, they knew they could overcome any obstacle and create a future filled with shared experiences, dreams fulfilled, and, above all, a love that would only deepen with time.

In the comfort of their bed, with Nala as their silent companion, Alexia and Amelia reaffirmed their commitment to one another and the shared dreams that would shape their future.

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