Chapter 11: sneaky alba

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A couple of days later, Amelia posted a picture on Instagram of her lemonade and a book laid out on her bed. It was a peaceful scene, and she felt like sharing it with her followers. As she checked her notifications, she saw that Alexia had commented on the photo, playfully calling her a bookworm.

Amelia couldn't help but smile at the comment. She replied, "Guilty as charged! Books are a great escape."

Their small talk continued, and the conversation took another interesting turn as Alexia began sharing stories from her own childhood. "You know," she typed, "I used to get into trouble all the time with my sister Alba. We were quite the pair."

Amelia was intrigued. "Really? Tell me more! What kind of trouble did you and your sister get into?"

Alexia chuckled at the memories. "Well," she began, "we once tried to make a homemade 'rocket' out of a skateboard and some fireworks. Let's just say it didn't go as planned."

Amelia couldn't help but laugh at the mental image. "That sounds like quite an adventure! It must have been fun growing up with a sister like Alba."

She typed out her question thoughtfully, "Alexia, how do you handle the media and those hateful comments? It can be tough sometimes."

Alexia's response was understanding, as she had dealt with her fair share of media scrutiny and negative comments. "You're right, it can be tough," she replied. "I try to focus on the positives and the support from my fans. And, well, sometimes I just ignore the negativity. It's not easy, but it comes with the territory, I guess."

Amelia appreciated the honesty in Alexia's response. "Yeah, it's a challenge, but I guess we signed up for it," she typed, a hint of resignation in her words.

The two athletes continued to discuss the intricacies of being in the public eye, sharing their experiences and strategies for coping with the pressures of the sport.

As the conversation between Alexia and Amelia continued, Alexia's sister Alba, always the mischievous one, saw an opportunity to tease her older sibling. She grabbed Alexia's phone and quickly sent a text to Amelia, who was momentarily confused by the unexpected message.

"Hey there, Amelia! 🤗 Hope you're enjoying the chat with my big sis. By the way, she's secretly a softie, even though she won't admit it! 😉"

Amelia blinked in surprise at the text. It seemed to come out of nowhere, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was some sort of prank or if Alexia's sister was just being playful.

Meanwhile, Alexia groaned and shot her sister a glare. "Alba, seriously? Give me back my phone!"

She quickly explained to Amelia, "Sorry about that. My sister can be a handful. She's just trying to embarrass me."

Amelia couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected interruption. "No worries, siblings can be like that. Tell Alba it's all in good fun."

Their conversation continued, now with a hint of playful banter about siblings and family dynamics.

The next day, Alexia was going about her routine when her phone chimed with a new message from Amelia. She sighed and opened it, curious about what her rival had to say.

Amelia's message explained the situation. "Hey, Alexia, just so you know, Alba told me she was teasing you about texting me. I hope it didn't cause any trouble. 😅"

Alexia couldn't help but groan in response. It seemed her sister had once again found a way to stir things up. She quickly texted her sister, "Alba, how did you even get Amelia's number?"

Alba's reply was filled with mischief. "Oh, I have my ways, big sis! 😉 But don't worry, I didn't do anything crazy."

Alexia rolled her eyes at her sister's response and sent a message back to Amelia, "Sorry about my sister. She's a handful sometimes, but she means well."

Amelia chuckled at the explanation and reassured Alexia, "No harm done. Siblings can be amusing, can't they?"

Their conversation continued, now with a shared understanding of the quirks and antics of Alexia's sister.

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