Chapter 7: Drastic Measures

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I sat on the toilet for what was now the fourth time today at school. I'd had a couple of close calls, but nothing nearly as bad as what had happened in first period. There had at least been time to go to the bathroom between classes without the embarrassment of having to grab a hall pass in front of everyone again. This must be how Emilia feels, needing to go every thirty minutes.

There wasn't any way that Desi and Samantha could have failed to notice all my runs to the bathroom, but if they thought something was off, they hadn't mentioned it to me yet.

After first period, I was much more careful. I limited myself to taking just a handful of sips from the drinking fountain and hadn't touched the water jug I always carried with me in my backpack. My mouth was beginning to feel dry. I didn't like the thought of trying to make it through cheerleading practice while being this dehydrated, but I could always wait and drink up right before it starts.

I had expected the lack of fluids to cut off any need to go, but if anything, the urge to urinate was stronger, even if I was only making small trickles of pee into the toilet. I squeezed out every last drop that I could before pulling my pants up again. I wasn't taking any chances in history class. Not with that sadist, Mr. Higgins. Who tells teenagers to pee their pants, anyway?

My friends were already in their seats waiting for me in the back row of the class. Lisa was again sitting in the chair to my left, chewing on her nails while busy playing a game on her phone.

"Have you been feeling OK?" Samantha asked as I sat down. "That's like only your fifth bathroom trip today."

"My fourth, but, yeah, I'm doing OK."

She gave me a sly look. I was a bad liar. I knew she didn't believe me.

"I saw this on the wall. Thought it might cheer you up."

Samantha handed me a flyer with the school logo on it. Fortnite? As a new school sports team? No way.

"Apparently, it's a big thing now," Samantha continued. "Didn't you hear? There was a kid who'd won like a million bucks or something in a tournament."

I laughed. The winner of that massive tournament had actually come away with three million dollars. And yes, I'd watched the matches live.

"Nah, I'm not nearly that good."

"They are going to have girls and boys teams. You know, Title 9 and all. You should give that a shot."

I was a bit skeptical, but wait. If I did make it on the Fortnite team, wouldn't that require Mom to let me "practice?" That might be worth a shot after all, even if my chances might be slim.

"Um, excuse me... could I, maybe, see that flyer?"

I turned to see Lisa leaning over, taking a look at the Fortnite flyer I was holding. I guess she'd been eavesdropping on our conversation.

"You play?"

"Yeah, a little."

With a long-sleeved, flower-patterned dress – I can't recall ever seeing Lisa wearing pants – she didn't fit exactly with the image of a stereotypical gamer-girl. Not that that was a look I tried to go for myself. I handed the flyer over to her.

Mr. Higgins stepped to the front of the classroom.

"Settle down everyone. Settle down. Back row. Cut the chatter. Thank-you."

The class passed by without incident. I was much less stressed out. Going to the bathroom beforehand had been a good idea. Like yesterday, Lisa slipped out in the middle of the class to go the bathroom. Only this time a hall pass was readily available for her.

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