Chapter 47: The Plan

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"You cannot be serious about having a sleepover at a teacher's house."

Desi had pulled me aside from the hallway to a couch in a secluded corner close to the teacher's lounge. We were waiting for Lisa before first period, while Samantha was making a trip to the restroom. I had avoided going along with Samantha, determined to work on keeping control of my bladder until after my first class. With as much orange juice as I had drunk that morning, the odds of doing so were questionable, but I had a pull-up on in case of any accidents.

The bus had arrived early, so we had a while to sit and chat before the first class of the day. I had just told Desi about how Mom had agreed to allow for a sleepover at Lisa's place. She was less than enthused at the chosen location.

"Why can't we just go to Samantha's place?" Desi asked. "That worked fine last time."

"Because Lisa's never had a sleepover before," I replied. "And, with her, um, condition, I think she'd be a lot more comfortable to be able to do her first sleepover at home."

I left out one of the main reasons behind why I preferred a sleepover at Lisa's place. It was the easiest option for the plan that I had to conceal my own bedwetting, as Lisa was the only one of my friends who was currently aware of that issue. Lisa's own bedwetting and incontinence problems would provide the perfect cover for keeping my own issues a secret.

Before Desi could continue the argument, Samantha arrived back from the restroom and sat down to my right with a large sigh as she let her backpack fall to the floor with a thump.

Desi leaned across me to get Samantha's attention.

"Sarah wants our next sleepover to be at Lisa's place," Desi said. "Can you believe that? I mean, you do know that Lisa lives with her uncle, who, you know, just happens to be our history teacher."

"Wait, your mom finally let you out of the doghouse?" Samantha said, turning toward me. "It's about time we had a second sleepover."

"Did. You. Not. Hear. What. I. Said," Desi interrupted. "I like her uncle and all, but that's going to be so awkward being over at his house."

"No, it won't," I said. "I spent the afternoon working on one of the history projects there. Lisa's aunt and uncle basically left us alone most of the time."

"I don't see what all the fuss is about," Samantha said. "If Lisa is most comfortable with a sleepover at her place, let's just do it there."

"And as a bonus, no annoying younger siblings around either," I added, in reference to Samantha's younger brother and toddler sister.

"Fine, but I have one condition," Desi said, giving Samantha a slight glare. "No games of truth or dare."

I knew exactly what Desi was referring to. She was still a bit salty about being dared to pee in a pull-up the last time we had played that game. That had been at a sleepover at Samantha's place. The game of truth or dare took a turn for the crazy when a couple of the dares had involved pull-ups from Samantha's younger brother, who was still a bedwetter. I had dared Samantha to wear the pull-up. Samantha had then dared Desi to pee in it.

"About that," I said, taking a look around to make sure Lisa wasn't in the process of walking up to us. "I have an idea about how we might be able to help Lisa feel more comfortable having a sleepover with her condition."

"What's that?" Samantha asked.

I paused and took a quick breath before going ahead with my plan. It was quite audacious really, but if I could get them to agree to it, it would make things so much easier for me.

"I think we should all wear diapers to bed to help Lisa not feel embarrassed."

I didn't get an immediate response from either of them. Desi was glaring at me, while Samantha's face had turned slightly red, and she wasn't quite making eye contact with me anymore.

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