Chapter 14: Sleepover Part 2 - Double Dare

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Desi and I walked up the stairs in silence behind Samantha. I still couldn't believe what she'd just done. To leave Tommy downstairs without anything to wear over the pull-up? I felt guilty about not speaking up to stop her in the middle of it, like I was just as complicit in how Samantha had humiliated her younger brother.

"Are you really going to leave Tommy down there without his shorts?" I asked finally when we got to the top of the stairs.

Samantha paused and looked down at the basketball shorts she was still holding in her hand, but she didn't immediately respond to my question.

"Look, it was funny and all, but you probably went too far this time," Desi added.

I was relieved that Desi agreed with me and was standing up for Tommy as well.

"Fine. I'll give him his pants back. I'm sure the brat has learned his lesson by now," Samantha said, heading back down the stairs.

"What's her deal with Tommy?" I asked Desi in a hushed tone as soon as Samantha was out of earshot.

I knew that the two siblings had never gotten along all that well, but I'd never gotten any hint that the situation was this acrimonious.

"Well, it was true that Tommy had been a bit of a brat lately, always trying to get Samantha in trouble."

"But to blackmail him?"

"I know. Maybe we could talk to her later about deleting the video."

Samantha arrived back upstairs, and the game resumed where it had left off. Since I had done a dare, I could in turn choose the next dare that one of my friends did. That gave me an idea. Samantha's behavior had increased the urgency that I not have a noticeable accident in front of her, but with how they had been pressuring me to drink soda I could no longer be sure that I could avoid a bedwetting incident if I fell asleep. I hadn't brought any pull-ups with me. However, I could take one of Tommy's, but I'd need to know where his pull-ups were kept.

We returned to Samantha's room to resume the game of Truth or Dare. It was Samantha's turn, and with myself having just done a dare there wasn't much choice as to what option she had to choose.

"A dare," Samantha said, after I asked her what her choice would be.

"I've got one. I've got one," I said, before Desi could get a word in.

This was my chance. I wasn't going to pass it up. I had something I needed to find out, and I could get some justice for Tommy along the way.

"I dare you to wear one of Tommy's pull-ups..."

The look on Samantha's face as I paused was worth it. Shock and then a little bit of embarrassment as she soaked in what I was asking.

"... on your head," I finished.

I think she would have refused if I had dared her to put on the pull-ups like you would wear panties, but a silly request – wearing them on her head -- was too reasonable of a dare to be refused.

Desi burst out laughing.

"Damn girl. You know what you're doing. You sure you haven't played before?"

I chuckled. Even Samantha had to show a small grin on her face. She knew she'd been played.

"Well?" I said.

"Of course, I will do it," Samantha said in a huff.

Samantha led us into the bedroom next to hers. This was what I needed to see. Samantha flipped the light switch on and then slid open the door to one of the closets in Tommy's room. Sitting on a shelf in plain view was a large box that I instantly recognized. It was the boy version of the pull-ups I had once worn as a bedwetter myself. The size said it was extra-large, and fit kids from 65 to 125 pounds. I wouldn't have any trouble wearing them. Samantha grabbed a pull-up out of the box and slid it on over her head so that her ears stuck out of the leg openings. She spun around in a silly dance before taking the pull-up off and tossing it on the floor.

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