Chapter 57: Knock, Knock

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I tried to watch along with Emilia while waiting for the inevitable sound of the front door opening, but I found myself unable to pay attention to the show. My bladder had to be a higher priority right now. If I were to have another accident that my sister was to witness, my problems with Mom would get even worse than they were already shaping up to be.

There simply was no way that I was going to be able to avoid having Mom find out about the accident. The only question that remained was what was the best way to inform her to reduce whatever consequences came to mind.

I was running all the possible options through my mind.

It was imperative that Mom find out about the accident from me and not Emilia, lest she think that I had been attempting to hide it. Mom always claimed to be more lenient if I came and told her about something I had done wrong rather than waiting for her to find out about it herself.

I was also going to need to put an immediate focus on the fact that I had fallen asleep. Mom would be unhappy that I had done that while watching Emilia, but as long as I could convince her that it had been simply another bedwetting episode rather than a return of my daytime accidents, I could perhaps get out of having her force me to wear pull-ups or diapers, even if I faced some other discipline for being lax in my babysitting duties.

Mom had only been gone for about forty-five minutes at this point. She had said she'd be gone for one to two hours, so I was potentially going to need to wait a while before her return, especially with how busy stores were still likely to be at this point.

Only one short TV episode had passed before I was beginning to feel the need to pee. The need to go wasn't super strong this time, but without a pull-up on, I couldn't afford to stay and watch the show for a little while longer. I slipped off to the bathroom, leaving Emilia to watch the show by herself. That she had managed to not need to go to the toilet at all since Mom had left on the errand was infuriating. Why did it have to be so easy for her and so difficult for me?

I nearly sat down on the toilet right away before remembering that I needed to make use of every opportunity I had to try to strengthen my bladder.

I instead stood in front of the toilet, with my legs crossed and my hands pressed tightly between my legs. I had let my underwear drop down to my knees, so when the moment came to finally need to sit down on the toilet, I could do so in less than a second.

My phone was sitting on the floor. On the screen was a timer out counting upwards. I had started the timer the second I entered the bathroom. It was already past the ten-minute mark now, but I was attempting to hold out as long as I possibly could.

There had been times when I had attempted to hold my bladder as long as possible, accepting an accident in my pull-up as the inevitable consequence of that decision. But this time I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I would hold my bladder until I absolutely needed to go, and then I would sit down on the toilet to do my business.

I squirmed desperately in front of the toilet. Being able to wait ten minutes after I had gotten the urge to pee was good. While I had been tracking how long I was waiting between going to the toilet, I realized there was another equally important measurement. I need to also work on how long I could hold my bladder after it began telling me that I needed to pee. This would be essential for when I was going back to school on Monday.

While I was feeling proud of the ten minutes I had lasted so far, I really wanted to push for fifteen minutes. I had rarely been able to make it that long, and if I could somehow manage to make it to that count consistently, I would be able to drastically reduce the amount of accidents I was having away from the house.

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