Chapter 23: Best Served Cold

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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

For once in the past few days, the alarm-clock woke me up in the morning before Mom did. I sat up in bed as quickly as I could to smack the snooze button on the alarm clock. Another five minutes in bed would be great.

As I collapsed back onto the mattress, I felt the cold, clammy squishiness of the diaper against my bottom. Oh great. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that I had wet the diaper, but still, the fact that I had been wearing the diaper had been completely out of my mind until I felt it as I laid down in bed again.

I slid my hand beneath my pajama pants to feel the diaper. Beneath the plastic lining of it around my crotch, the diaper was squishy yet clumpy, as the absorbent gel had broken apart overnight. The diaper also didn't feel all that full, unlike how the pull-ups did after I used them. There wasn't even the slightest sensation of moisture on the outside of the diaper. I could have probably peed in it one or two more times before it reached the point of overflowing.

When I had pressed the snooze button, I had been looking forward to getting a few more minutes of sleep, but now all I wanted was for Mom to come in and change me. The thought of wearing pull-ups had never been so appealing to me before.

Mom opened the door to the bedroom a minute later. No doubt she had heard the alarm going off as well. I kept my eyes closed. I knew what was going to happen as soon as I opened them. It was a conversation I wasn't eager to have. I opened my eyes when the sound of Mom's footsteps told me that she was right next to my bed.

"Did you sleep well last night?"


"And you didn't wake up at all in the middle of the night?"


"And how did the diaper do? Did you have an accident?"

To wet the diaper was one thing. To verbally admit it to my mother was something else.

"I don't know," I replied, breaking off eye contact with her.

"I'll need to check then."

Mom pulled my sheets off of me so that the top of my pajama pants were in view. She then tugged the top of my pajamas down slightly, just enough to see the obvious wet spot.

"See, isn't this so much better than having to wake up to a wet bed in the middle of the night?"

I didn't respond. Admitting that Mom was right about having me wear a diaper to bed was not something that I wanted to do. But she did have a point. I didn't feel nearly as tired as I had during the previous mornings this week.

"Come on," Mom said, putting my pajamas back in place. "Let's get you off of the bed so that I could get the changing mat in place.

"Mommy, I need to be changed too," Emilia whined from her crib.

Ugh, just another thing I have in common with my sister now. Once I had gotten up, Mom tossed the covers over to the corner of the bed and placed the change mat in the middle of it. I crawled dutifully onto the middle of the mat.

"Sweetie, you need to slide over so we could make room for your sister as well," Mom said.


"No buts. It would be quicker to change you both at once."

Emilia was aware that my bedwetting had restarted, but she hadn't seen me in a diaper yet, something I had been hoping to avoid. I moved over to the side of the mat as Mom scooped Emilia up out of her crib and laid her down next to me.

Mom pulled off my pajama pants completed, leaving the wet diaper almost completely exposed. Only the very top portion of it was hidden by my t-shirt. Mom did the same for Emilia, and now we were both laying on the bed, each with just a t-shirt and a diaper on. As Mom grabbed wipes and a clean pull-up for Emilia, my sister turned her head to take a look at my diaper.

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