Chapter 49: Lisa's Sleepover Part 2: Confrontation

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I sat on the bed, absentmindedly twiddling on my phone. It felt strange to have my regular underwear on, even if only for a brief moment. I wasn't super worried about having any accidents before it was time to head to bed, but I was anxious about how my plan was going to go. Knowing that we were going to be wearing diapers to bed, I grabbed some loose-fitting pajama pants and a longer t-shirt that would be comfortable over a diaper without showing it off at all.

Samantha was currently in the bathroom. The sound of the running water from the shower had just come to a stop. She had taken a quick shower, and was out in only four or five minutes. I tried to keep my nervousness from showing on my face.

Yes, Samantha and Desi had both agreed to my plan to also wear diapers to bed. But that had been almost a week ago at school. If either of them had any second thoughts about it in the meantime, they hadn't shared it with me. I suppose I could go through with the plan on my own, but it would be much better if they both were still willing to do it with me.

While Samantha was in the shower, Desi had run off to the other restroom in the house to brush her teeth and get ready for bed, leaving Lisa and I alone in the bedroom.

Lisa took a look at my pajamas.

"Did you forget to bring a diaper to change into?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"No, I have it," I whispered back.

"Are you going to go ahead and tell them about it now?"

"Can you please let me handle this on my own terms?"

Desi's return to the bedroom cut the conversation short. And Samantha was out of the shower a minute later. She emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. Samantha was wearing a pink onesie with rainbows and unicorns on it.

"That's so cute," Desi said. "Where did you get it from?"

"Thanks," Samantha said. "I got two of them from Amazon a few weeks ago. They're so comfortable. See how stretchy they are?"

I caught Lisa staring a bit at Samantha's outfit, but she didn't say anything about it. She grabbed a nightgown from her dresser and then a diaper from the closet before heading into the bathroom. We sat around the room, not saying much until several minutes later when the distinct sound of running water in the shower could be heard. I was trying to figure out the best way to break the ice when Samantha beat me to it.

"So, are we going to do it?" Samantha asked, breaking the silence as she glanced over to the closet where Lisa kept her diapers.

"Do we really need to?" Desi asked. "The plan was to help make her more comfortable, but Lisa seems pretty chill with having us here already."

The last thing I needed was for Desi to back out at this point.

"I know she's acting OK," I said. "But that doesn't mean she still isn't internally self-conscious about it. Let's just wear the diapers for tonight to make sure she knows that we're here for her. Just a onetime thing. We don't have to do it again."

"That sounds good to me," Samantha said.

"I guess if you're both going to do it that it would look silly if I wasn't too," Desi said.

"I don't know how long Lisa takes for her showers, but we probably only have about ten minutes or so if we don't want to cut things close," Samantha said. "So let's see what our options are."

I followed Samantha over to the closet and watched as her eyes widened as she slid the door open.

"I didn't know there were going to be this many options to choose from," Samantha said, glancing up and down the shelves.

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