Chapter 48: Lisa's Sleepover Part 1: Arrival

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Lisa was practically beaming as we turned down the winding gravel road that led to her uncle's house. I smiled, remembering how much I had been looking forward to the first sleepover I'd been to several months back.

We'd just finished another match for the high school Fortnite team we were on that Saturday afternoon. It had been a close call, but Lisa had ensured that we remained unbeaten. E-sports aren't really as spectator-friendly as other high school activities, though friends and family could come and watch us play if they wanted to. That didn't have much appeal to either Desi or Samantha, so they had agreed that they would meet up with us at Lisa's house afterward for the sleepover.

I joined Lisa in the back seat of the car as her uncle, Mr. Higgins, drove us back to their house from school.

"You think we could convince Samantha and Desi to try a round of Fortnite with us?" Lisa asked.

I thought for a second about the idea of my two video-game-challenged friends attempting to play a game with dual joysticks and ended up bursting out laughing. That would be quite the experiment.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm not so sure that is a good idea. Maybe let's do something simple first. You have the newest Mario Kart?"

"Yeah, and I've got four controllers for it."

"That's a much better plan. Probably best to get them started on something easier at first."

The sudden bump in the road reminded me of an unfortunate fact I had been trying to push out of my mind. The pull-up underneath my jeans was soaked. I had another accident during the final Fortnite round. Well, I probably could have held my bladder the whole time, but it's hard to play a video game when you are squirming in your seat, so I had elected to just wet the pull-up and worry about it later.

I should have changed right after the match was over, but Lisa had been in such a hurry to get back home that I got distracted. I didn't think I was in any danger of having the pull-up leak, but it didn't make for a comfortable car ride. While I wasn't going to ask, I was sure that Lisa's diaper needed changing as well.

After what seemed like longer than the last time I had visited, the car finally pulled into the driveway of their rural home. The house was tucked in between some small hills, giving it some privacy with the nearest neighbors over a half mile away. I grabbed my backpack and a pillow I'd brought with me out of the trunk and followed Lisa inside.

"Do you know when the other two girls are getting here?" Mr. Higgins asked us.

Lisa took a look at her phone, checking the group chat we had set up.

"Desi should be here in ten minutes, Samantha should be here in about fifteen," Lisa said.

Mr. Higgins raised his eyes at his niece.

"What's that for?"

"Just wondering what kind of trouble you kids are going to get into," He said, as he headed back for the front door. "Let your aunt know I'm going out to run some more errands. I'll be back with some pizza for dinner."

"We better hurry to get cleaned up then," Lisa said, as soon as the door closed behind her uncle.

We passed Lisa's aunt in the kitchen while on the way to her bedroom.

"Uncle said to let you know he's off to run errands and get pizza. Everyone else is going to be here in a few minutes, and we're headed to my bedroom to get changed before they arrive", Lisa said.

Annoyed, I hurried to catch up with Lisa, turned, and continued to her bedroom. Did she really just tell her aunt that I needed to be changed as well? Why did they need to know that? The last thing I needed was having them accidentally let anything slip about my daytime accidents or pull-ups to my mom.

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