Chapter 37: Fallout

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Whack. Whack. Whack.

Mom had left my pull-ups in place when she began the spanking several minutes ago. The only sounds in the room were of the wooden paddle colliding with my slightly protected posterior, the faint whistle it made as it moved through the air en route to my bottom, and Mom's metronomic breathing that was keeping pace with each swing of her arm.

The pacifier Mom had stuck in my mouth at the last second before the spanking began meant that I wasn't making a sound myself. Good, because at least I had something else to focus on to avoid thinking about the spanking. Bad, because it only served to redirect my thoughts to a reminder of how far I had fallen from being a normal teenager over the course of the past month.

The spanking had begun, like they normally did, with the blows coming at an infrequent, unpredictable pace, one that didn't allow you to let go of the tension and brace yourself again for each strike. But by the end of the second minute – I could just barely make out the digital clock on the cable box – the spanking had settled into a more consistent pattern and was likely to continue for at least another minute or two.

This was the second worst spanking I had received in my life. I'd received the worst one the day before, when I had come home from school to inform Mom that I had been permanently booted off the cheerleading team, suspended from school for the remainder of the week, and sentenced to a full week of after school detention for the following week. I made sure to tell her while we were on the car ride home as soon as I got into the vehicle and buckled myself into the front passenger seat. I couldn't imagine a worse punishment than I was receiving currently, but I didn't doubt Mom's ability to do so. If I had let her find out about my problems at school from the call the principal made to our house that evening, rather than from me, I would have risked finding out just exactly how imaginative Mom could be.

Mom had responded to my news with a disheartening silence on the ride home. When Mom found out that I'd done something wrong and she didn't immediately give a lecture or yell at me, that meant she was thinking, and having time to contemplate how she was going to discipline me was never a good sign. She didn't wait long to pronounce my punishment once we had arrived home, and I had stripped my jeans off to reveal the pull-up with white stars on it that I had hastily changed into after leaving the principal's office and before going out to Mom's car.

There were three parts to the discipline Mom decided on. First, I was to get a spanking each evening I was suspended from school. And with the wooden paddle each time as well. Secondly, even though I was getting to stay home from school for three days, I was given a lengthy series of chores to complete each day while Mom was off at work. It was enough to do that I barely had a moment of rest for myself today.

The final punishment was the worst. I was grounded from hanging out with my friends after school for the next month. That would delay the get-together that Samantha and Desi wanted to plan, though. Perhaps that was a good thing. It wouldn't be right not to include Lisa now that she'd become more involved in our friend group, but it would also allow for there to be some time for the noise about her incontinence to settle down.

The only punishment I had been spared was that I hadn't gotten kicked off of the Fortnite team. I had somehow managed to convince Mom that she shouldn't ground me from that, given that it was the only after school activity I was involved with now that I was no longer doing cheerleading.

My bottom was stinging in a way that was likely to continue to hurt for the remainder of the evening when Mom finally wrapped up the spanking, taking the pacifier from my mouth without giving any further comment on my punishment. With the conclusion of this Wednesday evening spanking, that meant two down and two more to go.

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