Chapter 16: Consequences

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No. No. No. No. No.

This couldn't be happening.

The fact that I had wet myself in front of Emilia moments ago wasn't even the worst part of this situation. I had one of my sister's pull-ups on beneath my jeans. Maybe I could pass off a single accident as a fluke, but if Mom were to find out that I had been taking my sister's pull-ups, how in the world would I explain that to her? That wasn't something I'd put any thought into. I had counted on being able to avoid ever having that discussion in the first place. After all, that was the whole point of wearing the pull-ups.

I felt betrayed. First, by my sister. I'd hid some of her accidents before and gone light on her many occasions where Mom's punishments would have been far more severe. If she could have just kept her mouth shut for even ten minutes or so, I would have had time to get cleaned up and fully hide that the accident had ever happened. But no, she had to go blabbing her mouth off to Mom the second she got the chance.

I also felt betrayed by the pull-up. Yes, pull-ups were inanimate objects, but I had put my trust in them that they would keep anyone around me from knowing about the difficulties I was having with my bladder. I'd wet myself so many times in them without issue that I'd come to simply expect that they would always work.

I could take the consequences of having a single accident, but I was not going to let Mom know how severe the issue actually was. I had to get the pull-up off. I pulled down my jeans and panties, ripped the sides of the pull-up off, and tossed it in the trash. I heard Mom's conversation with my sister in the kitchen as Emilia continued to tattle on me.

"You better not be pulling my leg."

"No, mommy. She did. I saw."

I heard Mom's footsteps as she made her way down the hallway toward my room. I managed to pull my panties up and had barely finished buckling my jeans the moment Mom walked through the doorway. The initial look of surprise on her face told me that Mom hadn't really believed Emilia's story about my accident.

"What was going on here, young lady?"

I hoped that the question was rhetorical. I didn't need to answer it for Mom to know what had happened. The large wet spot on the crotch of my jeans, the streaks of pee on the legs of my pants, and the puddle of urine on the floor told a crystal clear story of what had transpired moments ago.

"Well," Mom said, after pausing for a few seconds to survey the scene.

"I had an accident," I mumbled incoherently.

"Speak up."

"I had an accident," I said, enunciating each word. My voice was still quiet but now understandable.

"You're fifteen. Fifteen years old, Sarah. How am I supposed to potty train Emilia if her older sister was going around wetting her pants right in front of her? We've been trying so hard to teach her that wetting herself is unacceptable and now... this?"

I chaffed at Mom's suggestion that she was the one potty training Emilia. That had almost exclusively been my responsibility, but I knew better than to speak back to her when she was in a mood to lecture me.

"You need to get yourself cleaned up. We'll discuss what to do with you once you're done with the shower. And don't take too long either."

As relieved as I was for Mom to be letting me go, I felt a sense of foreboding at her suggestion that something needed to be done to me because of the accident. It was never a good sign when Mom said she needed time to think about how to discipline me.

As the hot water poured over me in the shower, I tried to think of what Mom's punishment could be. Just the thought alone of getting a spanking made my butt feel sore. That was Mom's go-to choice of discipline, so that seemed to be the most likely punishment I was going to get, though I don't know if I'd prefer a spanking to something else, like getting grounded.

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